Eseguire l'apprendimento senza supervisione delle feature utilizzando reti neurali autoencoder
Se si dispone di dati non etichettati, eseguire l’apprendimento senza supervisione con reti neurali autoencoder per l’estrazione di feature.
Autoencoder | Autoencoder class |
trainAutoencoder | Train an autoencoder |
trainSoftmaxLayer | Train a softmax layer for classification |
decode | Decode encoded data |
encode | Encode input data |
generateFunction | Generate a MATLAB function to run the autoencoder |
generateSimulink | Generate a Simulink model for the autoencoder |
network | Convert Autoencoder object into network object |
plotWeights | Plot a visualization of the weights for the encoder of an autoencoder |
predict | Reconstruct the inputs using trained autoencoder |
stack | Stack encoders from several autoencoders together |
view | View autoencoder |
- Train Stacked Autoencoders for Image Classification
This example shows how to train stacked autoencoders to classify images of digits.