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Experiment Manager

Design and run experiments to train and compare deep learning networks

Since R2020a


You can use the Experiment Manager app to create deep learning experiments to train networks under different training conditions and compare the results. For example, you can use Experiment Manager to:

  • Sweep through a range of hyperparameter values or use Bayesian optimization to find optimal training options. Bayesian optimization requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™.

  • Use the built-in function trainnet or define your own custom training function.

  • Compare the results of using different data sets or test different deep network architectures.

To set up your experiment quickly, you can start with a preconfigured template. The experiment templates support workflows that include image classification and regression, sequence classification, audio classification, signal processing, semantic segmentation, and custom training loops.

The Experiment Browser panel displays the hierarchy of experiments and results in a project. The icon next to the experiment name indicates its type.

  • Blue Erlenmeyer flask icon — Built-in training experiment that uses the trainnet training function

  • Purple beaker icon — Custom training experiment that uses a custom training function

  • Orange round-bottom flask icon — General-purpose experiment that uses a user-authored experiment function

This page contains information about built-in and custom training experiments for Deep Learning Toolbox™. For general information about using the app, see Experiment Manager. For information about using Experiment Manager with the Classification Learner and Regression Learner apps, see Experiment Manager (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox).

Required Products

  • Use Deep Learning Toolbox to run built-in or custom training experiments for deep learning and to view confusion matrices for these experiments.

  • Use Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox to run custom training experiments for machine learning and experiments that use Bayesian optimization.

  • Use Parallel Computing Toolbox™ to run multiple trials at the same time or a single trial on multiple GPUs, on a cluster, or in the cloud. For more information, see Run Experiments in Parallel.

  • Use MATLAB® Parallel Server™ to offload experiments as batch jobs in a remote cluster. For more information, see Offload Experiments as Batch Jobs to a Cluster.

Experiment Manager app

Open the Experiment Manager App

  • MATLAB Toolstrip: On the Apps tab, under MATLAB, click the Experiment Manager icon.

  • MATLAB command prompt: Enter experimentManager.

For general information about using the app, see Experiment Manager.


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Quickly set up an experiment using a preconfigured experiment template.

Open the Experiment Manager app. In the dialog box, you can create a new project or open an example from the documentation. Under New, select Blank Project.

In the next dialog box, you can open a blank experiment template or one of the preconfigured experiment templates to support your AI workflow. For example, under Image Classification Experiments, select the preconfigured template Image Classification by Sweeping Hyperparameters.

Experiment Manager dialog box with blank experiment templates and preconfigured experiment templates

Specify the name and location for the new project. Experiment Manager opens a new experiment in the project.

The experiment is a built-in training experiment that uses the trainnet training function, indicated by the Blue Erlenmeyer flask icon.

The experiment definition tab displays the description, hyperparameters, setup function, post-training custom metrics, and supporting files that define the experiment. You can modify these parameters to quickly set up your experiment, and then run the experiment.

For information about how to run the experiment and compare results after you configure the experiment parameters, see Experiment Manager.

Experiment definition tab for the experiment created using the preconfigured image classification template

Set up an experiment that trains using the trainnet function and exhaustive hyperparameter sweep. Built-in training experiments support workflows such as image, sequence, time-series, or feature classification and regression.

Open the Experiment Manager app. In the dialog box, you can create a new project or open an example from the documentation. Under New, select Blank Project.

In the next dialog box, you can open a blank experiment template or one of the preconfigured experiment templates to support your AI workflow. Under Blank Experiments, select the blank template Built-In Training (trainnet).

The experiment is a built-in training experiment that uses the trainnet training function, indicated by the Blue Erlenmeyer flask icon.

The experiment definition tab displays the description, hyperparameters, setup function, post-training custom metrics, and supporting files that define the experiment. When starting with a blank experiment template, you must manually configure these parameters. If you prefer a template with some preconfigured parameters, select one of the preconfigured built-in training templates instead from the Experiment Manager dialog box.

Experiment definition tab showing the default configuration for a built-in training experiment

Configure the experiment parameters.

  • Description — Enter a description of the experiment.

  • Hyperparameters — Specify the strategy as Exhaustive Sweep to use every combination of the hyperparameter values. Then, define the hyperparameters to use for your experiment.

    For example, for Evaluate Deep Learning Experiments by Using Metric Functions, the strategy is Exhaustive Sweep and the hyperparameters are InitialLearnRate and Momentum.

    Hyperparameters section showing the exhaustive sweep execution strategy and two sets of hyperparameter names and values

  • Setup Function — Configure training data, network architecture, loss function, and training options using one of the Setup Function Signatures. The setup function input is a structure with fields from the Hyperparameters table. The output must match the input of the trainnet function.

    For example, for Evaluate Deep Learning Experiments by Using Metric Functions, the setup function accesses the structure of hyperparameters and returns the inputs to the training function. The setup function is defined in a file named ClassificationExperiment_setup.mlx.

    Setup function section showing the function name ClassificationExperiment_setup

  • Post-Training Custom Metrics — Compute metrics after each trial to display in the results table. To create the custom metric function, click the Add button in the Post-Training Custom Metrics section. Then, select the metric in the table and click Edit to open and modify the function in the MATLAB Editor. To determine the best combination of hyperparameters for your experiment, inspect the values of these metrics in the results table.

    For example, for Evaluate Deep Learning Experiments by Using Metric Functions, the post-training custom metrics are specified by the functions OnesAsSevens and SevensAsOnes. The functions are defined in files named OnesAsSevens.mlx and SevensAsOnes.mlx. The results table displays these metrics.

    Experiment definition tab showing the configuration for a built-in image classification experiment using Bayesian optimization

For information about how to run the experiment and compare results after you configure the experiment parameters, see Experiment Manager.

Set up an experiment that trains using the trainnet function and Bayesian optimization. Built-in training experiments support workflows such as image, sequence, time-series, or feature classification and regression.

Open the Experiment Manager app. In the dialog box, you can create a new project or open an example from the documentation. Under New, select Blank Project.

In the next dialog box, you can open a blank experiment template or one of the preconfigured experiment templates to support your AI workflow. Under Blank Experiments, select the blank template Built-In Training (trainnet).

The experiment is a built-in training experiment that uses the trainnet training function, indicated by the Blue Erlenmeyer flask icon.

The experiment definition tab displays the description, hyperparameters, setup function, post-training custom metrics, and supporting files that define the experiment. When starting with a blank experiment template, you must manually configure these parameters. If you prefer a template with some preconfigured parameters, select one of the preconfigured built-in training templates instead from the Experiment Manager dialog box.

Experiment definition tab showing the default configuration for a built-in training experiment

Configure the experiment parameters.

  • Description — Enter a description of the experiment.

  • Hyperparameters — Specify the strategy as Bayesian Optimization (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox). Specify the hyperparameters as two-element vectors that give the lower bound and upper bound or as an array of strings or a cell array of character vectors that list the possible values of the hyperparameter. The experiment optimizes the specified metric and automatically determines the best combination of hyperparameters for your experiment. Then, specify the maximum time, maximum number of trials, and any advanced options for Bayesian optimization.

    For example, for Tune Experiment Hyperparameters by Using Bayesian Optimization, the strategy is Bayesian Optimization. The hyperparameter names are SectionDepth, InitialLearnRate, Momentum, and L2Regularization. The maximum number of trials is 30.

    Hyperparameters section showing the Bayesian optimization execution strategy and four sets of hyperparameter names, ranges, types, and transform

  • Setup Function — Configure training data, network architecture, loss function, and training options using one of the Setup Function Signatures. The setup function input is a structure with fields from the Hyperparameters table. The output must match the input of the trainnet function.

    For example, for Tune Experiment Hyperparameters by Using Bayesian Optimization, the setup function accesses the structure of hyperparameters and returns the inputs to the training function. The setup function is defined in a file named BayesOptExperiment_setup.mlx.

    Setup function section showing the function name BayesOptExperiment_setup.mlx

  • Post-Training Custom Metrics — Choose the optimization direction and a standard training or validation metric (such as accuracy, RMSE, or loss) or a custom metric from the table. The output of a metric function must be a numeric, logical, or string scalar.

    For example, for Tune Experiment Hyperparameters by Using Bayesian Optimization, the post-training custom metric is specified by a function ErrorRate. The function is defined in a file named ErrorRate.mlx. The experiment minimizes this metric.

    Experiment definition tab showing the configuration for a built-in image classification experiment using Bayesian optimization

For information about how to run the experiment and compare results after you configure the experiment parameters, see Experiment Manager.

Set up an experiment that trains using a custom training function and creates custom visualizations.

Custom training experiments support workflows that require a training function other than trainnet. These workflows include:

  • Training a network that is not defined by a layer graph

  • Training a network using a custom learning rate schedule

  • Updating the learnable parameters of a network by using a custom function

  • Training a generative adversarial network (GAN)

  • Training a twin neural network

Open the Experiment Manager app. In the dialog box, you can create a new project or open an example from the documentation. Under New, select Blank Project.

In the next dialog box, you can open a blank experiment template or one of the preconfigured experiment templates to support your AI workflow. Under Blank Experiments, select the blank template Custom Training.

The experiment is a custom training experiment that uses a custom training function, indicated by the Purple beaker icon.

The experiment definition tab displays the description, hyperparameters, training function, and supporting files that define the experiment. When starting with a blank experiment template, you must manually configure these parameters. If you prefer a template with some preconfigured parameters, select one of the preconfigured custom training templates instead from the Experiment Manager dialog box.

Experiment definition tab showing the default configuration for a custom training experiment

Configure the experiment parameters.

  • Description — Enter a description of the experiment.

  • Hyperparameters — Specify the strategy as Exhaustive Sweep or Bayesian Optimization (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox), and then define the hyperparameters to use for your experiment. Exhaustive sweep uses every combination of the hyperparameter values, while Bayesian optimization optimizes the specified metric and automatically determines the best combination of hyperparameters for your experiment.

    For example, for Run a Custom Training Experiment for Image Comparison, the strategy is Exhaustive Sweep and the hyperparameters are WeightsInitializer and BiasInitializer.

    Hyperparameters section showing the exhaustive sweep execution strategy and two sets of hyperparameter names and values

  • Training Function — Configure training data, network architecture, training procedure, and custom visualizations. Experiment Manager saves the output of this function, so you can export it to the MATLAB workspace when the training is complete. The training function input is a structure with fields from the Hyperparameters table and an experiments.Monitor object. Use this object to track the progress of the training, update information fields in the results table, record values of the metrics used by the training, and produce plots.

    For example, for Run a Custom Training Experiment for Image Comparison, the training function accesses the structure of hyperparameters and returns the a structure that contains the trained network. The training function implements a custom training loop to train a twin neural network, and the function is defined in a file in the project named ImageComparisonExperiment_training.mlx.

    Training function section showing the function name ImageComparisionExperiment_training

    The training function also creates a visualization Test Images to display pairs of training images when training is complete.

    Comparison of Test Images plot showing 10 images and their comparison results

For information about how to run the experiment and compare results after you configure the experiment parameters, see Experiment Manager.

You can decrease the run time of some experiments if you have Parallel Computing Toolbox or MATLAB Parallel Server.

By default, Experiment Manager runs one trial at a time. If you have Parallel Computing Toolbox, you can run multiple trials at the same time or run a single trial on multiple GPUs, on a cluster, or in the cloud. If you have MATLAB Parallel Server, you can also offload experiments as batch jobs in a remote cluster so that you can continue working or close your MATLAB session while your experiment runs.

In the Experiment Manager toolstrip, in the Execution section, use the Mode list to specify an execution mode. If you select the Batch Sequential or Batch Simultaneous execution mode, use the Cluster list and Pool Size field in the toolstrip to specify your cluster and pool size.

For more information, see Run Experiments in Parallel or Offload Experiments as Batch Jobs to a Cluster.

Related Examples

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  • To visualize and build a network, use the Deep Network Designer app.

  • To reduce the size of your experiments, discard the results and visualizations of any trial that is no longer relevant. In the Actions column of the results table, click the Discard button for the trial.

  • In your setup function, access the hyperparameter values using dot notation. For more information, see Structure Arrays.

  • For networks containing batch normalization layers, if the BatchNormalizationStatistics training option is population, Experiment Manager displays final validation metric values that are often different from the validation metrics evaluated during training. The difference in values is the result of additional operations performed after the network finishes training. For more information, see Batch Normalization Layer.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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