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Classify Markov chain states


bins = classify(mc) partitions states of the discrete-time Markov chain mc into disjoint communicating classes and returns the class labels bins identifying the communicating class to which each state belongs.


[bins,ClassStates,ClassRecurrence,ClassPeriod] = classify(mc) additionally returns the states in each class (ClassStates), whether the classes are recurrent (ClassRecurrence), and class periods (ClassPeriod).



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Consider this theoretical, right-stochastic transition matrix of a stochastic process.


Create the Markov chain that is characterized by the transition matrix P.

P = [0.5 0.5 0 0; 0.5 0.4 0.1 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 1 0];
mc = dtmc(P);

Plot a directed graph of the Markov chain. Visually identify the communicating class to which each state belongs by using node colors.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 3 objects of type graphplot, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Transient, Period = 2.

States 3 and 4 belong to a communicating class with period 2. States 1 and 2 are transient.

Programmatically identify to which communicating classes the states belong.

bins = classify(mc)
bins = 1×4

     1     1     2     2

bins is a 1-by-4 vector of communicating class labels. Elements of bins correspond to the states in mc.StateNames. For example, bins(3) = 2 indicates that state 3 is in communicating class 2.

Identify the communicating classes of a Markov chain. Then, determine whether the classes are recurrent and their periodicity.

Generate a random seven-state Markov chain. Specify that 40 random elements in the transition matrix should be zero.

rng(1); % For reproducibility
mc = mcmix(7,'Zeros',40);

Plot a directed graph of the Markov chain. Visually identify the communicating class to which each state belongs by using node colors.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 7 objects of type graphplot, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Transient, Period = 2.

Identify the communicating classes in mc, and then determine:

  • The communicating class to which each state belongs

  • Whether each communicating class is recurrent

  • The period of each class

[bins,ClassStates,ClassRecurrence,ClassPeriod] = classify(mc)
bins = 1×7

     6     4     6     3     2     5     1

ClassStates=1×6 cell array
    {["7"]}    {["5"]}    {["4"]}    {["2"]}    {["6"]}    {["1"    "3"]}

ClassRecurrence = 1x6 logical array

   0   0   0   0   0   1

ClassPeriod = 1×6

     1     1     1     1     1     2

mc has seven classes. Each state is its own communicating class, except states 1 and 3, which together compose class 6. Class 6 is the only recurrent class; classes 1 through 5 are transient. Class 6 has period 2; all other classes are aperiodic.

Identify the communicating classes of a Markov chain. Then, extract any recurrent subchains from the Markov chain.

Generate a random seven-state Markov chain. Specify that 40 random elements in the transition matrix should be zero.

rng(1); % For reproducibility
mc = mcmix(7,'Zeros',40);

Identify all communicating classes in the Markov chain and whether the classes are recurrent.

[bins,~,ClassRecurrence] = classify(mc);
recurrentClass = find(ClassRecurrence,1) 
recurrentClass = 
recurrentState = find((bins == recurrentClass))
recurrentState = 1×2

     1     3

Class 6, composed of states 1 and 3, is the only recurrent class in mc.

Create a subchain from class 6 by specifying at least one state in the subchain. Plot a digraph of the subchain.

sc = subchain(mc,recurrentState);


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type graphplot, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers This object represents Period = 2.

Input Arguments

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Discrete-time Markov chain with NumStates states and transition matrix P, specified as a dtmc object. P must be fully specified (no NaN entries).

Output Arguments

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Communicating class membership labels for each state, returned as a numeric vector of NumStates length. bins(j) is the label for the communicating class to which state j belongs. Bin values range from 1 through NumClasses.

State names in each class, returned as a cell vector of length NumClasses containing string vectors. ClassNames{j} is the list of state names in class j. State names are specified in mc.StateNames.

Class recurrence flags, returned as a logical vector of NumClasses length.

ClassRecurrence(j) indicates whether class j is recurrent (true) or transient (false).

Class periods, returned as a numeric vector of length NumClasses. ClassPeriod(j) is the period of class j. Aperiodic classes have period 1.


The order of classes in ClassStates, ClassRecurrence, and ClassPeriod corresponds to the class numbers assigned in bins.

More About

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Communicating Class

Communicating classes of a Markov chain are the equivalence classes formed under the relation of mutual reachability. That is, two states are in the same class if and only if each is reachable from the other with nonzero probability in a finite number of steps.

Communicating classes are equivalent to strongly connected components in the associated digraph [2]. See graphplot.

Irreducible Chain

An irreducible chain is a Markov chain consisting of a single communicating class.


A unichain is a Markov chain consisting of a single recurrent class and any transient classes that transition to the recurrent class.


  • classify determines recurrence and transience from the outdegree of the supernode associated with each communicating class in the condensed digraph [1]. An outdegree of 0 corresponds to recurrence; an outdegree that is greater than 0 corresponds to transience. See graphplot.

  • classify determines periodicity using a breadth-first search of cycles in the associated digraph, as in [3]. Class period is the greatest common divisor of the lengths of all cycles originating at any state in the class.


[1] Gallager, R.G. Stochastic Processes: Theory for Applications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

[2] Horn, R., and C. R. Johnson. Matrix Analysis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

[3] Jarvis, J. P., and D. R. Shier. "Graph-Theoretic Analysis of Finite Markov Chains." In Applied Mathematical Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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