Main Content

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Mantenimento o transizione di applicazioni basate su figure

Mantenere le applicazioni create programmaticamente con la funzione figure o le applicazioni esportate da GUIDE

Se si creano applicazioni utilizzando la funzione figure o si esporta un'applicazione GUIDE in un file di MATLAB®, è possibile continuare a sviluppare, eseguire e modificare tali applicazioni, ma queste non sfrutteranno appieno le feature e i componenti della UI che sono disponibili per le figure della UI. Per maggiori informazioni su altri modi di creare applicazioni, vedere Ways to Build Apps.


espandi tutto

axesCreate Cartesian axes
uicontrolCreate user interface control
uitable Create table user interface component
uipanelCreate panel container
uibuttongroupCreate button group to manage radio buttons and toggle buttons
uitabCreate tabbed panel
uitabgroupCreate container for tabbed panels
uimenuCreate menu or menu items
uicontextmenuCreate context menu component
uitoolbarCreate toolbar in figure
uipushtoolCreate push tool in toolbar
uitoggletoolCreate toggle tool in toolbar
alignAlign UIControl components and Axes objects
moveguiMove figure to specified location on screen
getpixelpositionGet component position in pixels
setpixelpositionSet component position in pixels
listfontsList available system fonts
textwrapWrap text for user interface control
uistackReorder visual stacking of UI components


errordlgCreate error dialog box
warndlgCreate warning dialog box
msgboxCreate message dialog box
helpdlgCreate help dialog box
waitbarCreate or update wait bar dialog box

Conferma e input

questdlgCreate question dialog box
inputdlgCreate dialog box to gather user input
listdlgCreate list selection dialog box
uisetcolorOpen color picker
uisetfontOpen font selection dialog box
export2wsdlgCreate dialog box for exporting variables to workspace

File System

uigetfileOpen file selection dialog box
uiputfileOpen dialog box for saving files
uigetdirOpen folder selection dialog box
uiopenOpen file selection dialog box and load selected file into workspace
uisaveOpen dialog box for saving variables to MAT-file

Stampa ed esportazione

printdlgOpen figure Print dialog box
printpreviewOpen figure Print Preview dialog box
exportsetupdlgOpen figure Export Setup dialog box


dialogCreate empty modal dialog box
uigetpref Create dialog box that opens according to user preference
uiwaitBlock program execution and wait to resume
uiresumeResume execution of suspended program
waitforBlock execution and wait for condition
waitforbuttonpressWait for click or key press
getappdataRetrieve application data
setappdataStore application data
isappdataDetermine if application data exists
rmappdataRemove application data
guidataStore or retrieve UI data
guihandlesRetrieve child objects of figure
uisetprefManage preferences used in uigetpref


espandi tutto

Axes Properties Axes appearance and behavior
UIControl PropertiesControl appearance and behavior of user interface control
TableTable UI component
PanelPanel UI container
ButtonGroupButton group UI container
Tab Tab UI container
TabGroup Tab group UI container
MenuMenu UI component
ContextMenuContext menu UI component
ToolbarToolbar UI component
PushToolPush tool UI component
ToggleToolToggle tool UI component
