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Sviluppo di applicazioni basate su uifigure

Sviluppare applicazioni in modo programmatico utilizzando le figure della UI progettate per la compilazione di applicazioni (funzione uifigure)

Progettare e modificare le applicazioni in modo programmatico, codificandone il layout e il comportamento con le funzioni di MATLAB®. La funzione uifigure crea una figura appositamente configurata per la compilazione di applicazioni e funge da contenitore per l'interfaccia utente. Le figure della UI supportano gli stessi tipi di grafica moderna e i componenti interattivi della UI supportati da App Designer.


espandi tutto

uifigureCreate figure for designing apps
uigridlayoutCreate grid layout manager
uipanelCreate panel container
uitabgroupCreate container for tabbed panels
uitabCreate tabbed panel
uiaxesCreate UI axes for plots in apps
axesCreate Cartesian axes
geoaxesCreate geographic axes
polaraxesCreate polar axes

Componenti comuni

uibuttonCreate push button or state button component
uibuttongroupCreate button group to manage radio buttons and toggle buttons
uicheckboxCreate check box component
uicolorpickerCreate color picker component (Da R2024a)
uidatepickerCreate date picker component
uidropdownCreate drop-down component
uieditfieldCreate text or numeric edit field component
uihyperlinkCreate hyperlink component (Da R2021a)
uiimageCreate image component
uilabelCreate label component
uilistboxCreate list box component
uiradiobuttonCreate radio button component
uisliderCreate slider or range slider component
uispinnerCreate spinner component
uitable Create table user interface component
uitextareaCreate text area component
uitogglebuttonCreate toggle button component
uitreeCreate tree or check box tree component
uitreenodeCreate tree node component

Strumenti della figura

uicontextmenuCreate context menu component
uimenuCreate menu or menu items
uipushtoolCreate push tool in toolbar
uitoggletoolCreate toggle tool in toolbar
uitoolbarCreate toolbar in figure

Componenti della strumentazione

uigaugeCreate gauge component
uiknobCreate knob component
uilampCreate lamp component
uiswitchCreate slider switch, rocker switch, or toggle switch component

Componenti estensibili

uihtmlCreate HTML UI component

Componenti con stile modificabile

uistyleCreate style for UI component
addStyleAdd style to UI component
removeStyleRemove style from UI component

Nodo dell’albero

expandExpand tree node
collapseCollapse tree node
moveMove tree node

Menu contestuale

openOpen context menu at location within UI figure (Da R2020a)

Componenti scorrevoli

scrollScroll to location within component
isInScrollViewDetermine if component is visible in scrollable container (Da R2022a)

Componenti focalizzabili

focusFocus UI component (Da R2022a)

Componenti estensibili

sendEventToHTMLSourceSend HTML UI component event from MATLAB to JavaScript (Da R2023a)


uistackReorder visual stacking of UI components
moveguiMove figure to specified location on screen
uialertDisplay alert dialog box
uiconfirmCreate confirmation dialog box
uiprogressdlgCreate progress dialog box
uisetcolorOpen color picker
uigetfileOpen file selection dialog box
uiputfileOpen dialog box for saving files
uigetdirOpen folder selection dialog box
uiopenOpen file selection dialog box and load selected file into workspace
uisaveOpen dialog box for saving variables to MAT-file


espandi tutto

UI Figure PropertiesControl UI figure appearance and behavior for uifigure-based apps
GridLayoutGrid layout manager UI container
PanelPanel UI container
TabGroup Tab group UI container
Tab Tab UI container
UIAxes PropertiesUI axes appearance and behavior
Axes Properties Axes appearance and behavior
GeographicAxes PropertiesGeographic axes appearance and behavior
PolarAxes PropertiesPolar axes appearance and behavior

Componenti comuni

ButtonButton UI component
ButtonGroupButton group UI container
CheckBoxCheck box UI component
CheckBoxTreeCheck box tree UI component (Da R2021a)
ColorPickerColor picker UI component (Da R2024a)
DatePickerDate picker UI component
DropDownDrop-down UI component
EditFieldEdit field UI component
HyperlinkHyperlink UI component (Da R2021a)
ImageImage UI component
LabelLabel UI component
ListBoxList box UI component
NumericEditFieldNumeric edit field UI component
ProgressDialogProgress dialog box
RadioButtonRadio button UI component
RangeSliderRange slider UI component (Da R2023b)
SliderSlider UI component
SpinnerSpinner UI component
StateButtonState button UI component
TableTable UI component
TextAreaText area UI component
ToggleButtonToggle button UI component
TreeTree UI component
TreeNodeTree node UI component

Strumenti della figura

ContextMenuContext menu UI component
MenuMenu UI component
PushToolPush tool UI component
ToggleToolToggle tool UI component
ToolbarToolbar UI component

Componenti della strumentazione

DiscreteKnobDiscrete knob UI component
GaugeGauge UI component
KnobKnob UI component
LampLamp UI component
LinearGaugeLinear gauge UI component
NinetyDegreeGaugeNinety-degree gauge UI component
RockerSwitchRocker switch UI component
SemicircularGaugeSemicircular gauge UI component
SwitchSwitch UI component
ToggleSwitchToggle switch UI component

Componenti estensibili

HTMLHTML UI component
Style PropertiesStyle for table or tree UI component


Informazioni sulle basi della compilazione di applicazioni programmatiche

Personalizzazione dell’aspetto dell’applicazione

Programmazione del comportamento dell’applicazione

Informazioni complementari