Stampa e salvataggio
Stampare o esportare il contenuto di una figura. Salvare la figura per poterla aprire in una sessione futura di MATLAB®.
- Compare Ways to Export Graphics from Figures
Compare different ways of exporting plots and other graphics so you can use them in documents or other applications.
- Save Figure with Specific Size, Resolution, or Background Color
Control the dimensions, resolution, and background color of saved figures. (Da R2020a)
- Save Plot as Image or Vector Graphics File
Save a plot as an image containing pixels or as a vector graphic that scales to any size.
- Saving and Copying Plots with Minimal White Space
This example shows how to save a figure so that the saved figure has a tight margin of white space around the axes. (Da R2020a)
- Print Figure from File Menu
This example shows how to print a figure, preserve the background color, and control the printed figure size.
- Save Figure to Reopen in MATLAB Later
This example shows how to save a figure so that you can reopen it in MATLAB later.
- Customize Figure Before Saving
This example shows how to use the Export Setup window to customize a figure before saving it.
- Copy Figure to Clipboard from Edit Menu
This example shows how to copy a figure to the clipboard and how to set copy options.