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Structural Mechanics

Analyze solutions of linear static, transient, modal analysis, and frequency response problems

With structural analysis, you can predict how components behave under loading, vibration, and other physical effects. This helps you design robust mechanical components by validating designs through simulation and reducing the need for physical testing. For details about linear elasticity equations for plane stress, plane strain, and 3-D problems, see Linear Elasticity Equations.

You can perform linear static analysis, transient analysis, modal analysis, and frequency response analysis. The solver returns one of the results objects containing the basic solution values, such as displacement and velocity, at mesh nodes. After solving the problem, you can interpolate returned results to arbitrary spatial locations instead of mesh nodes and also evaluate other solution values, such as stresses, strains, and reaction forces.


filterByIndexAccess transient results for specified time steps (Since R2023b)
evaluateStressEvaluate stress for dynamic structural analysis problem
evaluateStrainEvaluate strain for dynamic structural analysis problem
evaluateVonMisesStressEvaluate von Mises stress for dynamic structural analysis problem
evaluateReactionEvaluate reaction forces on boundary
evaluatePrincipalStressEvaluate principal stress at nodal locations
evaluatePrincipalStrainEvaluate principal strain at nodal locations
interpolateDisplacementInterpolate displacement at arbitrary spatial locations
interpolateVelocityInterpolate velocity at arbitrary spatial locations for all time or frequency steps for dynamic structural problem
interpolateAccelerationInterpolate acceleration at arbitrary spatial locations for all time or frequency steps for dynamic structural problem
interpolateStressInterpolate stress at arbitrary spatial locations
interpolateStrainInterpolate strain at arbitrary spatial locations
interpolateVonMisesStressInterpolate von Mises stress at arbitrary spatial locations


StaticStructuralResultsStatic structural solution and derived quantities
TransientStructuralResultsTransient structural solution and derived quantities
ModalStructuralResultsModal structural solution
FrequencyStructuralResultsFrequency response structural solution and derived quantities


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