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String manipulation blocks

Use blocks in the String library to manage string signals.


ASCII to StringUint8 vector signal to string signal
Compose StringCompose output string signal based on specified format and input signals
Scan StringScan input string and convert to signals per specified format
String CompareCompare two input strings
String ConcatenateConcatenate input strings to form one output string
String ConstantOutput specified string
String ContainsDetermine if string contains, starts with, or ends with pattern (Since R2020a)
String CountCount occurrences of pattern in string (Since R2020a)
String FindReturn index of first occurrence of pattern string
String LengthOutput number of characters in input string
String to ASCIIConvert string signal to uint8 vector
String to DoubleConvert string signal to double signal
String to EnumInput string signal to enumerated signal
String to SingleConvert string signal to single signal
SubstringExtract substring from input string signal
To StringConvert input signal to string signal
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