Pujitha Narra
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How do I delete cells in a column based on information from another column?
Hi, According to the code above, the condition for the ‘if’ would return a column vector, but the ‘if’ requires the entire veto...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
Compress image with PCM encoder
Hi, This is one of the several submissions in MATLAB File Exchange. Feel free to contact the author of this submission directly...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
Opening and finding distance between circles in multiple images from a Tiff Stack
Hi, You can use indexing along with 'imread' like this: a = imread('My_image.tif', i); % ith image in the stack Using this wi...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
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Embedding in the background
Hi, There is a similar question which you can have a look at: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/167844-how-to-im...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
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Can I use edge detection for point cloud?
Hi, There is no such feature as now for point cloud data, but it might be considered for a future release. You can use 'pcsegdi...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
Reading PCAP files on Matlab
Hi, There is no such feature as of now, but it might be considered for a future release. However, 'pcap2matlab' is one of the s...
quasi 5 anni fa | 1
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Tightly cropped PDF (programatically not intereacitvely)
Hi Tasos, This link would help you save a figure with tight cropping: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_plots/sav...
quasi 5 anni fa | 1
rotate polygon in geographic axes
Hi Mike, A rotation matrix might be of use to you. You can have a look at this: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
Is the Symbolic Toolbox required to evaluate ODE's?
Symbolic Math Toolbox would be of great help to solve ODEs although you can use some functions like ode45 and ode15s from MATLAB...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
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Simulink toggle run-time data access programmatically
Unfortunately there isn't a way to do it. The issue is being looked into.
circa 5 anni fa | 0
Subplot the same three variables from N mat files in a folder
As far as I understand, there must 6 subplots(for the sample code written) in a single plot, each row representing a .mat file. ...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
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Using SOLVE with large number of equations and variables
As far as I understand, you are looking for simpler way to solve the Kirchoff's loop equations. In your case, it is right that ...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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Using App Designer for Setting Inputs to a Simulink Model and Reading The Output Data of the Model back from App Designer
Hi Nayif, I would like to answer the 3rd and 4th questions first. Assuming there is no dependency between the ‘iterations’, the...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
Unrecognized function from Robust Control Toolbox
Hi Michael, Can you run the following and let me know what errors you get. openExample('robust/LoopShapingWithMixsynExample');...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Classification Using Deep Learning
Hi Arjun, You are right. Using an installed version of MATLAB is a better choice in scenarios with heavy processing as you woul...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
Plots graph from simulink scope to App Designer for MATLAB R2019a
Hi Nur, I am not sure what the error is, but you can look at a similar query here: https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/ans...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Kinect Windows sensor, help??
Hi Sabrina, A clean re-installation might help you. You can go through a similar question here, the answer provided might be of...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
selecting images from numerous subject subfolders
Hi Sam, There is a similar question which deals with accessing of files from different subfolders (with their names are in a ce...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
How to change input values for weight classfication layer.
This is a way to initialize 'classWeights' classWeights = 1./countcats(YTrain); classWeights = classWeights'/mean(classWeights...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
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How to change input values for weight classfication layer.
Hi Raza Ali, Can you mention how are you using 'weightedClassificationLayer' in your network? Assuming you want to know the inp...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
How to draw multiple ROI in a single image
Hi Naga Lakshmi, The following link could be of help to you. This is one of the several submissions in MATLAB File Exchange on ...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
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Saving a picture as a jpg
Hi Kevin, I think the following link would be of use to you where you will need MATLAB support package for Raspberry Pi Hardwa...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
Textscan and Regexp Cell Data Layout
Hi Mark, This could be a possible workaround for your requirement: data = textscan(fid,'%s%s%s%s%*s','Delimiter',','); data{1...
oltre 5 anni fa | 1
how can I convert fints to timetable?
Hi Jonghyeok Choi, The answer for the first part of your question is,Yes. You can use 'synchronize' as follows TT = synchroniz...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
How to reshape bounding box when I rotate the face for live video ?
Hi Sangchai, I think the ‘CascadeObjectDetector’object returns only a square. You can use the following code in place of the...
oltre 5 anni fa | 1
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802.11n Link in Simulink -- interference case scenario
Hi Zaher, Can you provide the 'zdB2linVR()' function?
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
How is accelerometer and gyroscope noise calculated from datasheet of MPU9250 in the below example?
Hi Rakhi, The accelerometer and gyroscope values given in the datasheet for MPU-9250 are rms values. The GyroscopeNoiseMPU9250 ...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
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how to return for loop tables to a table
Hi Karishma, You can extract the “par4” data from “data1” and “data2” and store it as a matrix. Further use this matrix to add ...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
Fitting spline to outline
Hi John, There is a similar example here: https://in.mathworks.com/help/images/boundary-tracing-in-images.html Hope this help...
oltre 5 anni fa | 1
Trouble indexing matrices to simulate a particle splitting
Can you provide the values for npmax,npeaks,Epx,Epy,Epz,dt to help reproduce the problem?
oltre 5 anni fa | 0