Generazione del segnale
È possibile creare segnali per l'elaborazione basata su campioni e su fotogrammi utilizzando blocchi sorgente e System object DSP System Toolbox™.
I blocchi sorgente, come i blocchi Colored Noise e Sine Wave generano segnali utilizzando un algoritmo predefinito. La maggior parte di questi blocchi può controllare il numero di campioni in ciascun fotogramma (colonna) che genera. Per degli esempi che mostrano come generare segnali utilizzando questi blocchi sorgente, vedere Create Signals for Sample-Based Processing e Create Signals for Frame-Based Processing.
dsp.ColoredNoise | Generate colored noise signal |
dsp.Chirp | Generate swept-frequency cosine (chirp) signal |
dsp.NCO | Generate real or complex sinusoidal signals |
dsp.SignalSource | Import variable from workspace |
dsp.SineWave | Generate discrete sine wave |
Chirp | Generate swept-frequency cosine (chirp) signal |
Colored Noise | Generate colored noise signal |
Constant | Constant value |
Constant Ramp | Generate ramp signal with length based on input dimensions |
Discrete Impulse | Generate discrete impulse |
Multiphase Clock | Generate multiple binary clock signals |
N-Sample Enable | Output ones or zeros for specified number of sample times |
NCO | Generate real or complex sinusoidal signals |
Random Source | Generate randomly distributed values |
Sine Wave | Generate continuous or discrete sine wave |
- Discrete-Time Signals
Overview of discrete-time signals. Discusses the similarities and differences between using fixed-step solvers and variable-step solvers while handling discrete-time signals.
- Continuous-Time Signals
Overview of continuous-time signals.
- Sample- and Frame-Based Concepts
Explore basic signal concepts in the context of a Simulink® model. Learn more about sample-based processing and frame-based processing.
- Create Signals for Sample-Based Processing
Use the Constant block and the Signal From Workspace block to generate signals for sample-based processing. Use the Matrix Concatenate block to combine signals to form multichannel signals.
- Create Signals for Frame-Based Processing
Use the Sine Wave block and the Signal From Workspace block to generate signals for frame-based processing. Use Matrix Concatenate block to combine signals to form multichannel signals.
- Inspect Sample and Frame Rates in Simulink
Understand sample time, sample rate, frame period, and frame rate in the context of a Simulink model. Determine the sample and frame rates of signals in your model.
- Delay and Latency
Configure the Simulink environment to minimize delay and increase simulation performance.