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Grafici e algoritmi di rete

Grafici diretti e indiretti, analisi di rete

I grafici modellano le connessioni di una rete e sono ampiamente applicabili a una varietà di sistemi fisici, biologici e informativi. È possibile utilizzare i grafici per modellare i neuroni di un cervello, i pattern di volo di una compagnia aerea e altro ancora. La struttura di un grafico è composta da “vertici" e “spigoli". Ciascun vertice rappresenta un'entità e ciascun spigolo rappresenta una connessione tra due vertici. Per maggiori informazioni, vedere Directed and Undirected Graphs.

Example plots of undirected and directed graphs


espandi tutto

graphGraph with undirected edges
digraphGraph with directed edges
addnodeAdd new node to graph
rmnodeRemove node from graph
addedgeAdd new edge to graph
rmedgeRemove edge from graph
flipedgeReverse edge directions
numnodesNumber of nodes in graph
numedgesNumber of edges in graph
findnodeLocate node in graph
findedgeLocate edge in graph
edgecountNumber of edges between two nodes
reordernodesReorder graph nodes
subgraphExtract subgraph
centralityMeasure node importance
conncompConnected graph components
biconncompBiconnected graph components
condensationGraph condensation
bctreeBlock-cut tree graph
toposortTopological order of directed acyclic graph
isdagDetermine if graph is acyclic
transreductionTransitive reduction
transclosureTransitive closure
isisomorphicDetermine whether two graphs are isomorphic
isomorphismCompute isomorphism between two graphs
ismultigraphDetermine whether graph has multiple edges
simplifyReduce multigraph to simple graph
bfsearchBreadth-first graph search
dfsearchDepth-first graph search
shortestpathShortest path between two single nodes
shortestpathtreeShortest path tree from node
distancesShortest path distances of all node pairs
allpathsFind all paths between two graph nodes (Da R2021a)
maxflowMaximum flow in graph
minspantreeMinimum spanning tree of graph
hascyclesDetermine whether graph contains cycles (Da R2021a)
allcyclesFind all cycles in graph (Da R2021a)
cyclebasisFundamental cycle basis of graph (Da R2021a)
adjacencyGraph adjacency matrix
incidenceGraph incidence matrix
laplacianGraph Laplacian matrix
degreeDegree of graph nodes
neighborsNeighbors of graph node
nearestNearest neighbors within radius
indegreeIn-degree of nodes
outdegreeOut-degree of nodes
predecessorsNode predecessors
successorsNode successors
inedgesIncoming edges to node
outedgesOutgoing edges from node
plotPlot graph nodes and edges
labeledgeLabel graph edges
labelnodeLabel graph nodes
layoutChange layout of graph plot
highlightHighlight nodes and edges in plotted graph


GraphPlotGraph plot for directed and undirected graphs


GraphPlot PropertiesGraph plot appearance and behavior


Informazioni complementari

Esempi in primo piano