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Specialized Messages

Access ROS 2 and ROS messages from specialized sensors and inputs

Specialized message functions enable you to create and access sensors and data types using specific ROS and ROS 2 message types. You can use the same functions to work with specific ROS and ROS 2 specialized message types. For examples of accessing data from these sensors, see Work with Specialized ROS Messages.


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rosReadImageConvert ROS or ROS 2 image data into MATLAB image (Since R2021a)
rosWriteImageWrite MATLAB image to ROS or ROS 2 image message (Since R2021a)
rosWriteCameraInfoWrite monocular or stereo camera parameters to ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2022a)
rosReadLidarScanDisplay lidar scan or point cloud from ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
rosReadCartesianRead laser scan ranges in Cartesian coordinates from ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
rosReadScanAnglesReturn scan angles from ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
rosPlotDisplay lidar scan or point cloud from ROS or ROS 2 message structures (Since R2021a)
rosReadXYZExtract XYZ coordinates from ROS or ROS 2 point cloud message structure (Since R2021a)
rosWriteXYZWrite data points in x, y and z coordinates to a ROS or ROS 2 PointCloud2 message structure (Since R2023a)
rosReadRGBExtract RGB color values from ROS or ROS 2 point cloud message structure (Since R2021a)
rosWriteRGBWrite RGB color information to a ROS or ROS 2 PointCloud2 message structure (Since R2023a)
rosReadAllFieldNamesGet all available field names from ROS or ROS 2 point cloud message structure (Since R2021a)
rosReadFieldRead point cloud data from ROS or ROS 2 message structure based on field name (Since R2021a)
rosWriteIntensityWrite intensity data points to a ROS or ROS 2 PointCloud2 message structure (Since R2023a)
rosPlotDisplay lidar scan or point cloud from ROS or ROS 2 message structures (Since R2021a)
rosReadQuaternionCreate MATLAB quaternion object from ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
quaternionCreate quaternion array
rosReadBinaryOccupancyGridRead binary occupancy grid data from ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
rosReadOccupancyGridRead occupancy grid data from ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
rosReadOccupancyMap3DRead 3-D map from ROS or ROS 2 Octomap message structure (Since R2021a)
rosWriteBinaryOccupancyGridWrite values from binary occupancy grid to ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
rosWriteOccupancyGridWrite values from occupancy grid to ROS or ROS 2 message structure (Since R2021a)
rosReadTransformReturn transformation from ROS or ROS 2 TransformStamped message structure (Since R2023b)
rosApplyTransformTransform ROS and ROS 2 message entities into target frame (Since R2021a)
se3SE(3) homogeneous transformation (Since R2023b)
so3SO(3) rotation (Since R2023b)
se2SE(2) homogeneous transformation (Since R2023b)
so2SO(2) rotation (Since R2023b)
velodyneROSMessageReaderRead Velodyne ROS messages (Since R2020b)
hasFrameDetermine if another Velodyne point cloud is available in the ROS messages (Since R2020b)
readFrameRead point cloud frame from ROS message (Since R2020b)
resetReset CurrentTime property of velodyneROSMessageReader object to default value (Since R2020b)
ousterROSMessageReaderRead Ouster ROS messages (Since R2024a)
hasFrameDetermine if another Ouster point cloud is available in the ROS messages (Since R2024a)
readFrameRead Ouster point cloud frame from ROS message (Since R2024a)
resetReset CurrentTime property of ousterROSMessageReader object to default value (Since R2024a)


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Read ImageExtract image from ROS Image message
Read ImageExtract image from ROS 2 Image message (Since R2021b)
ROS Write Image, ROS 2 Write ImageWrite image data to a ROS or ROS 2 message (Since R2022a)
ROS Read Scan, ROS 2 Read ScanExtract scan data from ROS or ROS 2 laser scan message (Since R2022a)
Read Point CloudExtract point cloud from ROS PointCloud2 message
Read Point CloudExtract point cloud from ROS 2 PointCloud2 message (Since R2021b)
ROS Write Point Cloud, ROS 2 Write Point CloudWrite point cloud data to a ROS or ROS 2 message (Since R2022a)
ROS Apply Transform, ROS 2 Apply TransformTransform input ROS or ROS 2 message to target frame (Since R2023b)
Get TransformGet transformation between source and target frame from ROS network (Since R2023b)
Get TransformGet transformation between source and target frame from ROS 2 network (Since R2023b)


Specialized ROS Messages

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