returns a table of responses ftdata
] = createFeatureData(lss
where each variable corresponds
to the data for the specified response label. You can specify a list of label names that the
function adds as responses to respdata
and other optional inputs as
name-value arguments. For example, Responses="Species"
as a response label.
The label data for all specified label names must be vertically and horizontally concatenable.
Create Feature and Response Tables from Label Names in Labeled Signal Set
Create a set of label definitions.
Define three numeric attribute feature labels that correspond to mean frequency, band power, and peak amplitude.
Define two numeric region-of-interest (ROI) feature labels that correspond to mean and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
Define one categorical attribute label that has these categories:
, andC
Create a labeled signal set that contains all six label definitions.
ld1 = signalLabelDefinition("MeanFrequency", ... LabelType="attributeFeature",LabelDataType="numeric"); ld2 = signalLabelDefinition("BandPower", ... LabelType="attributeFeature",LabelDataType="numeric"); ld3 = signalLabelDefinition("PeakAmplitude", ... LabelType="attributeFeature",LabelDataType="numeric"); ld4 = signalLabelDefinition("Mean",LabelType="roiFeature", ... LabelDataType="numeric",FrameSize=500,FrameOverlapLength=250); ld5 = signalLabelDefinition("SNR",LabelType="roiFeature", ... LabelDataType="numeric",FrameSize=500,FrameOverlapLength=250); catValues = ["A" "B" "C"]; ld6 = signalLabelDefinition("Class",LabelType="attribute", ... LabelDataType="categorical",Categories=catValues); lss = labeledSignalSet([],[ld1,ld2,ld3,ld4,ld5,ld6]);
Create a signalFrequencyFeatureExtractor
object to extract the mean frequency, band power, and peak amplitude values across an entire signal. Create a signalTimeFeatureExtractor
object to extract the mean and SNR values from signal frames that are 500 samples long and have 250 samples of overlap. Set the output format of each extractor object to a table.
H = signalFrequencyFeatureExtractor(); H.FeatureFormat = "table"; H.MeanFrequency = true; H.BandPower = true; H.PeakAmplitude= true; H.setExtractorParameters("PeakAmplitude",MaxNumExtrema=5) G = signalTimeFeatureExtractor(); G.FeatureFormat = "table"; G.FrameSize = 500; G.FrameOverlapLength = 250; G.Mean = true; G.SNR = true;
Create a signal, x
, made up of several sinusoids with varying frequencies. For ten iterations, add random noise to x
to generate xn
, and add this new signal as a member to lss
. Extract the specified features from xn
and set the label values in the labeled signal set equal to the values of the extracted features. Display the labels contained in the labeled signal set.
t = (1:1000)'/1e3; x = sum(sin(2*pi*[10 100 200 350 450].*t),2); for idx = 1:10 xn = x + randn(size(t)); p = extract(H,xn); addMembers(lss,xn); setLabelValue(lss,idx,"MeanFrequency",p.MeanFrequency); setLabelValue(lss,idx,"BandPower",p.BandPower); setLabelValue(lss,idx,"PeakAmplitude",p.PeakAmplitude); q = extract(G,xn); rois = q{:,[1,2]}; setLabelValue(lss,idx,"Mean",rois,q.Mean); setLabelValue(lss,idx,"SNR",rois,q.SNR); setLabelValue(lss,idx,"Class",catValues(randi(3,[1 1]))); end LBLS = lss.Labels
LBLS=10×6 table
MeanFrequency BandPower PeakAmplitude Mean SNR Class
_____________ __________ ___________________________________________ ___________ ___________ _____
Member{1} {[1.4789]} {[3.4261]} {[ 9.0290 11.1191 11.4532 12.0216 13.2064]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} C
Member{2} {[1.4040]} {[3.4643]} {[ 11.3509 9.5855 12.0983 11.9682 12.5628]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} C
Member{3} {[1.4642]} {[3.5901]} {[10.9591 10.3477 14.7581 11.1874 12.6932]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} A
Member{4} {[1.3684]} {[3.5572]} {[ 12.9701 11.7092 13.0650 9.5547 12.5720]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} B
Member{5} {[1.4672]} {[3.4403]} {[ 10.7361 9.3758 13.8124 10.7749 13.3737]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} A
Member{6} {[1.4241]} {[3.5225]} {[10.3302 11.5979 11.6696 11.2745 12.2777]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} C
Member{7} {[1.4070]} {[3.3863]} {[ 10.5294 11.4855 12.5187 9.8425 12.6257]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} A
Member{8} {[1.4529]} {[3.4818]} {[ 9.8225 10.6672 13.3820 10.7357 12.6096]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} B
Member{9} {[1.4181]} {[3.5552]} {[12.4350 11.5933 12.0069 11.1148 12.9654]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} B
Member{10} {[1.4198]} {[3.5516]} {[11.3011 10.5433 13.6415 11.5888 13.1569]} {3x2 table} {3x2 table} C
Create a table that contains feature data corresponding to all feature labels in lss
. The Class
data is not included in the table because Class
is not a feature label.
FTs = createFeatureData(lss,ConvertFeaturesToRows=true)
FTs=10×5 table
MeanFrequency BandPower PeakAmplitude Mean SNR
_____________ _________ ______________________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________
1.4789 3.4261 9.029 11.119 11.453 12.022 13.206 -0.021921 -0.04995 -0.043343 -4.7744 -6.8315 -5.7233
1.404 3.4643 11.351 9.5855 12.098 11.968 12.563 0.058634 0.037199 0.014408 -6.6994 -4.8069 -6.049
1.4642 3.5901 10.959 10.348 14.758 11.187 12.693 0.023716 0.022439 0.052243 -4.4364 -5.5243 -5.9047
1.3684 3.5572 12.97 11.709 13.065 9.5547 12.572 0.04709 0.04225 0.0099387 -5.2615 -5.9997 -4.9845
1.4672 3.4403 10.736 9.3758 13.812 10.775 13.374 0.014723 0.023537 0.044529 -4.5713 -5.9291 -5.9603
1.4241 3.5225 10.33 11.598 11.67 11.274 12.278 -0.032001 -0.050336 -0.081017 -5.1732 -5.8918 -6.9184
1.407 3.3863 10.529 11.486 12.519 9.8425 12.626 0.016776 0.029752 -0.016017 -6.5449 -3.5879 -5.754
1.4529 3.4818 9.8225 10.667 13.382 10.736 12.61 -0.003218 0.0095321 0.017105 -5.8408 -6.5075 -6.0452
1.4181 3.5552 12.435 11.593 12.007 11.115 12.965 -0.092008 -0.055926 -0.037221 -6.9075 -6.6543 -5.6822
1.4198 3.5516 11.301 10.543 13.641 11.589 13.157 0.066601 0.011827 -0.0096364 -6.3197 -5.7298 -7.0011
Create another table containing feature data that corresponds only to attribute feature labels. Use the getLabelNames
function to specify label names corresponding to attribute features. Specify Class
as a response label to obtain a second output table that contains the category each member belongs to.
[attFTs,R] = createFeatureData(lss, ... Features=getLabelNames(lss,LabelType="attributeFeature"), ... ConvertFeaturesToRows=true,Responses="Class")
attFTs=10×3 table
MeanFrequency BandPower PeakAmplitude
_____________ _________ ______________________________________________
1.4789 3.4261 9.029 11.119 11.453 12.022 13.206
1.404 3.4643 11.351 9.5855 12.098 11.968 12.563
1.4642 3.5901 10.959 10.348 14.758 11.187 12.693
1.3684 3.5572 12.97 11.709 13.065 9.5547 12.572
1.4672 3.4403 10.736 9.3758 13.812 10.775 13.374
1.4241 3.5225 10.33 11.598 11.67 11.274 12.278
1.407 3.3863 10.529 11.486 12.519 9.8425 12.626
1.4529 3.4818 9.8225 10.667 13.382 10.736 12.61
1.4181 3.5552 12.435 11.593 12.007 11.115 12.965
1.4198 3.5516 11.301 10.543 13.641 11.589 13.157
R=10×1 table
You can use the getLabelIndices
function to specify indices for labels you want to include in the feature table. Create a table containing feature data that corresponds only to ROI feature labels. Use the ExpandResponseLabels
argument to repeat response labels for each member.
[roiFTs,R] = createFeatureData(lss, ... Features=getLabelIndices(lss,LabelType="roiFeature"), ... Responses="Class",ExpandResponseLabels=true)
roiFTs=30×2 table
Mean SNR
_________ _______
-0.021921 -4.7744
-0.04995 -6.8315
-0.043343 -5.7233
0.058634 -6.6994
0.037199 -4.8069
0.014408 -6.049
0.023716 -4.4364
0.022439 -5.5243
0.052243 -5.9047
0.04709 -5.2615
0.04225 -5.9997
0.0099387 -4.9845
0.014723 -4.5713
0.023537 -5.9291
0.044529 -5.9603
-0.032001 -5.1732
R=30×1 table
Create Feature Matrix from Label Definitions in Labeled Signal Set
Load a labeled signal set containing recordings of whale songs.
load whales
lss = labeledSignalSet with properties: Source: {2x1 cell} NumMembers: 2 TimeInformation: "sampleRate" SampleRate: 4000 Labels: [2x3 table] Description: "Characterize wave song regions" Use labelDefinitionsHierarchy to see a list of labels and sublabels. Use setLabelValue to add data to the set.
Retrieve and plot the signals contained in lss
. Each whale song consists of four sounds.
for k = 1:lss.NumMembers [s,info] = getSignal(lss,k); fs = lss.SampleRate; t = 0:length(s)-1/fs; subplot(2,1,k) plot(t,s) end
Add numeric region-of-interest (ROI) feature label definitions to lss
that you will use to specify the shape factor and peak values of each signal. Specify a frame size equal to 25% of the signal length, so that each region corresponds to a different sound.
Create a signalTimeFeatureExtractor
object to extract the shape factor and peak value of each ROI. Set the roiFeature
label values in the labeled signal set to the values of the extracted features.
sld1 = signalLabelDefinition("ShapeROI",LabelType="roiFeature", ... LabelDataType="numeric",FrameSize=round(0.25*length(s))-1); sld2 = signalLabelDefinition("PeakROI",LabelType="roiFeature", ... LabelDataType="numeric",FrameSize=round(0.25*length(s))-1); addLabelDefinitions(lss,[sld1 sld2]); sFE = signalTimeFeatureExtractor(SampleRate=fs, ... FrameSize=round(0.25*length(s))-1); sFE.FeatureFormat = "table"; sFE.ShapeFactor = true; sFE.PeakValue = true; for i = 1:lss.NumMembers sig = getSignal(lss,i); fts = extract(sFE,sig); setLabelValue(lss,i,"ShapeROI", ... [fts.FrameStartTime fts.FrameEndTime],fts.ShapeFactor); setLabelValue(lss,i,"PeakROI", ... [fts.FrameStartTime fts.FrameEndTime],fts.PeakValue); end
Use the getLabelDefinitions
function to obtain the label names corresponding to roiFeature
labels in lss
. Create a matrix of data that corresponds to the ROI feature labels in the labeled signal set, where each column is a feature.
lbldefs = getLabelDefinitions(lss,LabelType="roiFeature");
ans = "ShapeROI"
ans = "PeakROI"
ftdata = createFeatureData(lss, ... Features=[lbldefs(1).Name lbldefs(2).Name],OutputFormat="matrix")
ftdata = 8×2
1.6908 0.2694
1.7483 0.2850
1.6517 0.2421
1.5930 0.2264
1.4750 0.1599
1.8366 0.3791
1.3921 0.1612
1.6176 0.2633
Input Arguments
— Labeled signal set
Labeled signal set, specified as a labeledSignalSet
object. To obtain a list of feature label definitions
available in lss
, use the getLabelDefinitions
or getLabelNames
functions and specify "attributeFeature"
or "roiFeature"
as the label type.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: createFeatureData(lss,Features=getLabelDefinitions(lss,LabelType="roiFeature",FrameSize=60),OutputFormat="matrix")
returns a matrix of features corresponding to region-of-interest (ROI) feature labels in the
input labeled signal set with the frame size of 60.
— List of label names corresponding to features
string vector | numeric vector
List of label names corresponding to features, specified as a string vector
containing label names or a numeric vector containing indices pointing to the label
definitions in lss
. The function adds the specified label names
as features to ftdata
. You can get a list of all label
definitions, label names, or label definition indices in lss
using getLabelDefinitions
, getLabelNames
, and getLabelIndices
, respectively. If you do not specify
, then the function uses the list of attribute and ROI
feature labels available in lss
Example: Features=getLabelNames(lss,LabelType="point")
the label names corresponding to point labels in the input labeled signal
Data Types: double
| logical
| string
| categorical
— List of label names corresponding to responses
string vector | numeric vector
List of label names corresponding to responses, specified as a string vector
containing label names or a numeric vector containing indices pointing to the label
definitions in lss
. The function adds the specified label names
as responses to respdata
. You cannot specify feature labels as
responses. If you do not specify Responses
, then
is empty.
Example: Responses=[1 5 7 12]
specifies responses corresponding
to label definitions at the provided indices in the input labeled signal
and Responses
must contain
different label names or indices.
Data Types: double
| logical
| string
| categorical
— Output data format
(default) | "matrix"
— Option to apply scalar expansion to response labels
) (default) | 1
Option to apply scalar expansion to response labels, specified as logical scalar.
This argument applies when the corresponding features contain multiple rows. For
example, you can set this argument to true when you compute frame-based features and
want to assign the same response label to each frame. When
is set to false, the number of response
label values per member must match the number of feature rows per member.
Data Types: logical
— Option to convert features containing multiple rows to a single row vector
) (default) | 1
Option to convert features containing multiple rows to a single row vector,
specified as a logical scalar. If you specify
as true, then the function converts the
features corresponding to column vectors or matrices to row vectors. Use this argument
when all features do not have the same number of rows.
Data Types: logical
Output Arguments
— Feature data
table | matrix
Feature data, returned as a table or matrix. By default, the function returns
as a table. To output the feature data as a matrix,
specify OutputFormat
as "matrix"
— Response data
table | matrix
Response data, returned as a table or matrix. By default, the function returns
as a table. To output the response data as a matrix,
specify OutputFormat
as "matrix"
Version History
Introduced in R2022a
See Also
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