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Control and Measurements

Pulse generators, filters, signal transformation blocks

Generate pulses, transform, filter, analyze, and measure signals.


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Voltage MeasurementMeasure voltage in circuit
Current MeasurementMeasure current in circuit
Three-Phase V-I MeasurementMeasure three-phase currents and voltages in circuit
MultimeterMeasure voltages and currents specified in dialog boxes of Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems blocks
Impedance MeasurementMeasure impedance of circuit as function of frequency
Digital FlickermeterImplement digital flickermeter as described in IEC 61000-4-15 standard
FourierPerform Fourier analysis of signal
Frequency (Phasor)Measure phasor signal frequency
Fundamental (PLL-Driven)Compute fundamental value of signal
MeanCompute mean value of signal
Mean (Phasor)Compute mean value of input phasor over a running window of one cycle of specified frequency
Mean (Variable Frequency)Compute mean value of signal
PMU (PLL-Based, Positive-Sequence)Implements a phasor measurement unit using a phase-locked loop
Positive-Sequence (PLL-Driven)Compute positive-sequence component of three-phase signal at fundamental frequency
PowerCompute active and reactive powers of voltage-current pair at fundamental frequency
Power (3ph, Instantaneous)Compute three-phase instantaneous active and reactive powers
Power (3ph, Phasor)Compute three-phase active and reactive powers using three-phase voltage and current phasors
Power (PLL-Driven, Positive-Sequence)Compute positive-sequence active and reactive powers
Power (Phasor)Compute active and reactive powers using voltage and current phasors
Power (Positive-Sequence)Compute positive-sequence active and reactive powers
Power (dq0, Instantaneous)Compute three-phase instantaneous active and reactive powers
RMSCompute true root mean square (RMS) value of signal
Sequence AnalyzerCompute positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence components of three-phase signal
Sequence Analyzer (Phasor)Compute sequence components (positive, negative, and zero) of three-phase phasor signal
THDCompute total harmonic distortion (THD) of signal
OvermodulationAdd third harmonic or triplen harmonic zero-sequence signal to three-phase signal
Pulse Generator (Thyristor)Generate pulses for twelve-pulse and six-pulse thyristor converters
PWM Generator (2-Level)Generate pulses for PWM-controlled 2-level converter
PWM Generator (3-Level)Generate pulses for PWM-controlled three-level converter
PWM Generator (DC-DC)Generate pulse for PWM-controlled DC-DC converter
PWM Generator (Interpolation)Carrier-based unipolar PWM generation with interpolation
PWM Generator (Multilevel)Generate pulses for PWM-controlled modular multilevel converter
PWM Generator (Pulse Averaging)Carrier-based PWM generator with pulse averaging
Sawtooth GeneratorGenerate sawtooth waveform at regular intervals
Stair GeneratorGenerate signal changing at specified transition times
SVPWM Generator (2-Level)Generate pulses for SVPWM-controlled two-level converter
SVPWM Generator (3-Level)Generate pulses for SVPWM-controlled three-level converter
Three-Phase Programmable GeneratorGenerate three-phase signal with programmable time variation of amplitude, phase, frequency, and harmonics
Three-Phase Sine GeneratorGenerate three-phase balanced signal, amplitude, phase, and frequency controlled by block inputs
Triangle GeneratorGenerate symmetrical triangle waveform at regular intervals
Alpha-Beta-Zero to dq0, dq0 to Alpha-Beta-ZeroPerform transformation from αβ0 stationary reference frame to dq0 rotating reference frame or the inverse
abc to Alpha-Beta-Zero, Alpha-Beta-Zero to abcPerform transformation from three-phase (abc) signal to αβ0 stationary reference frame or the inverse
abc to dq0, dq0 to abcPerform transformation from three-phase (abc) signal to dq0 rotating reference frame or the inverse
First-Order FilterImplement first-order filter
Lead-Lag FilterImplement first-order lead-lag filter
Second-Order FilterImplement second-order filter
Second-Order Filter (Variable-Tuned)Implement second-order variable-tuned filter
PLLDetermine frequency and fundamental component of signal phase angle
PLL (3ph)Determine frequency and fundamental component of three-phase signal phase angle
BistableImplement prioritized S-R flip-flop (bistable multivibrator)
Edge DetectorDetect change in logical signal state
MonostableImplement monostable flip-flop (one-shot multivibrator)
On/Off DelayImplement switch-on or switch-off delay
Sample and HoldSample first input and hold its value based on value of second input
Discrete Shift RegisterImplement serial-in, parallel-out shift register
Discrete Variable Time DelayDelay signal by variable time value


power_fftscopeFourier analysis of simulation data signals
power_flickerPerform statistical analysis of instantaneous flicker level signal
power_zmeterCompute impedance versus frequency of Impedance Measurement blocks of model


  • Park Transformation

    Express direct axis, quadratic axis, and zero-sequence components as phase quantities using Park transforms.

  • Simulate Variable Speed Motor Control

    Model and discretize simple motors with specialized blocks. Use the FFT Analysis tool of the Powergui block to perform harmonic analysis.

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