Ive J
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Computational biologist.
Python, R, MATLAB
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200 Risposte
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0 Punti principali
Save variables (vector) to a tabulated text file
A = randn(10, 1); B = randn(10, 1); tab = array2table([A, B], VariableNames=["A", "B"]); % as a table writetable(tab, "myt...
2 mesi fa | 0
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Swarmchart maximum diplay for shapley?
You can use NumImportantPredictors argument: swarmchart(explainer, NumImportantPredictors=11)
2 mesi fa | 1
How does fsrftest calculate the p-value?
At the end of doc you can see it uses -log(p) to rank features, so there is no significance level here. And yes, it's same as AN...
11 mesi fa | 0
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How to do linear fitting of data to get R square value and coeficient of a,b ?
n = 100; x = randn(n, 1); y = randn(n, 1); mdl = fitlm(x, y)
12 mesi fa | 0
Adding String to end of an Matrix
wordlist = strings(3, 1); for n = 1:3 wordlist(n) = input("Word: ","s"); end
12 mesi fa | 0
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Applying SHAP on a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Document and refs are clear enough if you're aware enough what your intentions are. Follow this example if you're interested to ...
circa un anno fa | 0
Importance of predictors within an Optimizable GPR model
It's almost always good to look at both local and global levels. In case of lime or SHAP, you can calculate on a random subset o...
circa un anno fa | 0
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Linear and Logistic Regressions to control for a possible confouding variable
whether or not should you adjust for some covariates in your model heavily depends on your understaind of the matter you study. ...
circa un anno fa | 0
a philosophical question regarding function (how many tasks should be wrapped inside a function?)
Assuming you're gonna stick with those variable names, you can do somethig like this: T1 = array2table(["matlab 101"; "C++ 20...
oltre un anno fa | 0
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.MAT file with multiple tabs/sheets
you can do something like this, and write each sheet to fields of a structure: snames = sheetnames("myfile.xlsx"); out = s...
oltre un anno fa | 1
Why does meanEffectSize() use sqrt((varX + varY)/2) for the paired cohensD calculation?
I assume you mean (check more flavors in this paper): x = [10 12 15 8 11]; y = [14 18 16 12 13]; d = mean(x-y)/std(x-y) ...
oltre un anno fa | 1
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Multioutput Regression models in MATLAB
I'm not aware of such a function in MATLAB, but you can loop over your target/response variables, and each time fit a new model....
oltre un anno fa | 0
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How to cluster data in a boxplot?
what about this? data = load("data.mat").data; % just a personal preference: strings are easier to work with cellCols = v...
oltre un anno fa | 0
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How to force enable GPU usage in fitrgp
fitrgp does not [yet] support GPU arrays. You can easily scroll down the doc page and check "Extended Capabilities" for each fun...
oltre un anno fa | 0
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Struggling to lay 2D points over a 3D scatter plot
what about hold on? hold on voc = [125, 45, 0; 140, 39, 0]; scatter3(voc(:, 1), voc(:, 2), voc(:, 3), "*") % or plot3
oltre un anno fa | 0
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how to count uncommented ligns in matlab file?
% doc readlines % lines = readlines("myfunc.m"); lines = [" % comment 1" "dummy = 1 + 3;" " " "%{" "th...
oltre un anno fa | 2
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Right measure for logistic regression of imbalance data and dealing with Complete Separation
It's probably a bit late for your original problem, but since it's an important question and MATLAB still lacks such important f...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
How to get the sum of squares in GLM model summary ?
You can get SST, SSE and SSR: mdl = fitglm(rand(100, 2), randi([0 1], 100, 1), 'dist', 'binomial', 'link', 'logit'); mdl.SSE...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
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tall array within a parfor?
Consider the following scenario: ds = datastore(...); dst = tall(ds); parfor ... % warning here: dst is a broadca...
oltre 2 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaSort cell numbers ?
If by sort, you mean sort within each element of cell array: G = {[-83;-84] [-65] [-50;-47] [-33;-30] [-26;-22] [-16;-15] [-6; ...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
Using movmean to calculate mean of first and last element in array
What about this? a = [1 5 8 10]; ma = movmean([a, a(1)], [0 1], 'Endpoints', 'discard')
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
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exportgraphics dynamic file name
% A = {'name1', ...} for k = 1:16 %rest of the code c = colorbar; c.Label.String = A{k}; ...
oltre 2 anni fa | 1
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stepwiseglm model seems to be missing parameters?
It does include both. You should mind the model formula in MATLAB (AKA Wilkinson Notation): x1*x2 is x1 + x2 + x1:x2. See also...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
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Create a double identity matrix matlab
Maybe not the best way, but works: % taken from doc kron n = 12; I = speye(n, n); E = sparse(2:n, 1:n-1, 1, n, n); K = fu...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
Vector dimesions are different before encoding json and after decoding json
How about this? mystr.f1 = 1:4; mystr.f2 = (1:4).'; js = jsonencode(mystr); newstr = jsondecode(js) fnames = fieldnames...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
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How do I match an annotations.json file with their respective images from an image folder?
Try this js = jsondecode(fileread("annotations.json.txt")) % file extension was changed only for upload % get info of first ...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
How to add to Matlab a path with a @Folder
See here www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1659190-why-addpath-is-not-working?
oltre 2 anni fa | 2
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Can MATLAB save the Profiler results table (Function Name, Calls, etc.) to a text file or a spreadsheet?
info = load("info.mat").info; infotab = struct2table(info.FunctionTable); infotabMain = infotab(:, ["FunctionName", "NumCalls"...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
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Estimate p-values of fitted parameters using armax from sysid toolbox
armax returns parameters and their uncertainties; then you can calculate the p-values. load iddata9 z9 na = 4; nc = 1; sys ...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
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Optimization of manipulating an array
a = [1, 0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 12, 0]; b = a; a_adj_mean = movmean(a(1:2:end), 2); zero_idx = a == 0; b(zero_idx(1:end - 1)) = a_a...
oltre 2 anni fa | 0
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