
Fei Deng


Last seen: oltre 3 anni fa Attivo dal 2016

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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Calculate previous and current values from signal builder
There are two ways to do it. 1. In the MATLAB function block you write: function y = fcn(u1,u2) y = u1-u2; feed th...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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seems that the description of example iris_dataset in nprtool is wrong
Hi Ryant, which specific page are you referring to and what MATLAB release are you using? For the iris_dataset data, yes yo...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Does MatLab Versions R2013b and R2012b compatible with LM 11.14 ?
Hello Annie, License files are backward-compatible. If the license manager is updated to the latest version and successfully ...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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Is it possible to download ressources from a Matlab Production Server?
Hi Alexandre, the 404 error =means the URL is wrong in some form when specifying it in the client "http://localhost:9910/magic"....

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Bus array across model boundaries
Hi Allen, if you set the port dimension of input (Request<DriveLimit>) to be 3 to reflect the three buses in the array of buses,...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Calculate normal 2d vectors of a edge line and its vector angle with respective to y axis
Hello, since you have data set of edge coordinate (x,y), you can: (1) get the angle between this edge line and x-axis by doin...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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Formula Manipulation/substituion and Simplification
Did you try function "subs"? <> For example if originally you have H(s) = ...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Is 'parfor' running correctly when mex-ed ?
How did you run the mex-ed function with par-for loop? You can specify on how many threads (at most) it runs in parallel by exec...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

how to get the state-space representation from the SimMechanic model?
You can linearize a simscape model and get the state space representation. Take a look of the example in help documentation show...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

I need to add a hash (#) at the first position of a text file which is created by writetable. Rename of VariableNames does not work.
There is a similar question about adding lines to top of text files, take a look of the posted answers there. <https://www.mathw...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

The following error was detected while downloading idelink/ticcsext_resources_common_1352440702.enc:
Hi Eduardo, this error occurs when Antivirus or security software is installed on your computer and blocking the download. You c...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Analog low pass filter zero-phase
Hi Macro, you can access zero-phase zero-phase analysis method via Filter Designer App. <

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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distance between a point and elements of a matrix
Are you calculating the distance between coordinates (x,y,z) and the elements of a 3D matrix, OR the distance between coordinate...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

The colors of 3d plot surfaces do not match the Colorbar
You are using trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z) where color is proportional to surface height. Color of each triangle is determined by the heig...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Support Package Installer has detected an inconsistency.
This inconsistency can be caused by any previous Support Package installation performed on the machine. Support packages can not...

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

What is the difference between unifrnd and rand?
Hello Natacha, the function unifrnd actually calls rand. If a and b are the two first arguments of unifrnd, and r is the outp...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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Extracting Velocity from Color Doppler Image
Hi Vibhav, I presume you have an image generated in other software and you want to read the value each/a certain point/pixel ...

circa 8 anni fa | 1

Runge Kutta fehlberg not going through full simulation
Hi Joe, RKF45 method allows for an adaptive step size to be determined automatically, which improves efficiency/reduce steps....

circa 8 anni fa | 0

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32 bit vs 64 bit machine effect in computing equal code
Hi Alberto, Some higher-level algorithms boiling down to basic arithmetic operations can result in different results, when th...

circa 8 anni fa | 0

tree = fitctree(meas,species(50,:)) not working
Hi Kunal, Function 'fitctree' returns fitted binary classification tree, which based on the best categorical predictor. tr...

circa 8 anni fa | 0

how can i assign different intensity to an object present in an image with dimension (N,N,3) (for example: assigning different intensity(like 10,20,100,etc) to a circle present in an image)
Hi Hemang, To assign a different intensity to an object present in an RGB image, basically there are two steps: (1) To id...

circa 8 anni fa | 0

compare vs forecast with models
Hi, It is my understanding that you built a ARMA model based on the signal you have and you used function 'compare' and 'foreca...

circa 8 anni fa | 0

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How do I use different installation of MATLAB in server?
Hi Asadur, You can try changing System Proterties/Environment Variables. Move up the path of MATLAB in Y directory on top of ...

circa 8 anni fa | 0

How can I run a Matlab script from Excel?
Hi Michael, You can execute MATLAB code in Excel VBA editor. In order to do that, first enable the 'Develop' tab in the 'Cust...

circa 8 anni fa | 0

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Optical toolbox for Matlab
Hi JrV, There is not a toolbox named Optical. However, there is an ‘interactive simulation toolbox for Optics’ in File Exchan...

circa 8 anni fa | 0

Can one somehow retrieve news data from Bloomberg?
Hi Yannis, The answer is yes. Mathworks has several toolboxs which can retrieve data or create Bloomberg connection. Check *d...

circa 8 anni fa | 0