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Create circle centered at origin on xy-plane


Use the antenna.Circle object to create a circle centered at the origin and on the xy-plane. You can use antenna.Circle to create single-layer or multi-layered antennas using pcbStack.



circle = antenna.Circle creates a circle centered at the origin and on the xy-plane.


circle = antenna.Circle(Name=Value) creates a circle, with additional Properties specified by one or more name-value arguments. Name is the property name and Value is the corresponding value. You can specify several name-value arguments in any order as Name1=Value1, ..., NameN=ValueN. Properties that you do not specify retain their default values.



expand all

Name of circle, specified as a string.

Example: "Circle1"

Data Types: string

Cartesian coordinates of circle center, specified as a 2-element vector in meters.

Example: [0.006 0.006]

Data Types: double

Circle radius, specified as a scalar in meters.

Example: 2

Data Types: double

Number of discretization points on circumference, specified as a scalar.

Example: 16

Data Types: double

Object Functions

addBoolean unite operation on two shapes
subtractBoolean subtraction operation on two shapes
intersectIntersection of shape1 and shape2
plusJoin two shapes
minusCarve a shape from other shape
andBoolean intersection operation on two shapes
areaCalculate area of 2-D shapes in square meters
showDisplay antenna, array structures, shapes, or platform
plotPlot boundary of 2-D shape
meshMesh properties of metal, dielectric antenna, or array structure
rotateRotate shape about axis by angle
rotateXRotate shape about x-axis by angle
rotateYRotate shape about y-axis by angle
rotateZRotate shape about z-axis by angle
translateMove shape to new location
scaleChange size of shape by fixed factor
mirrorXMirror shape along x-axis
mirrorYMirror shape along y-axis
removeHolesRemove holes from shape
removeSliversRemove sliver outliers from boundary of shape


collapse all

Create and view circle using antenna.Circle and view it.

c1 = antenna.Circle
c1 = 
  Circle with properties:

         Name: 'mycircle'
       Center: [0 0]
       Radius: 1
    NumPoints: 30


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 2 objects of type patch. These objects represent PEC, mycircle.

Create a circle centered at the origin with a radius of 4 m.

c2 = antenna.Circle(Radius=4)
c2 = 
  Circle with properties:

         Name: 'mycircle'
       Center: [0 0]
       Radius: 4
    NumPoints: 30

Create a circle with a radius of 1m. The center of the circle is at [1 0].

circle1 = antenna.Circle(Center=[1 0],Radius=1);

Create a rectangle with a length of 2m and a width of 4m centered at the origin.

rect1 = antenna.Rectangle(Length=2,Width=2);

Add the two shapes together using the + function.

polygon1 = circle1+rect1
polygon1 = 
  Polygon with properties:

        Name: 'mypolygon'
    Vertices: [21x3 double]


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 2 objects of type patch. These objects represent PEC, mypolygon.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a