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Choose an AI Model

This page provides guidance on choosing an AI model from the options across many MATLAB® toolboxes.


For information about reinforcement learning models, see What Is Reinforcement Learning? (Reinforcement Learning Toolbox).

Data Considerations

Consult this flowchart to determine a suggested AI model.

Start of a flowchart for determining a suggest AI model. For image data tasks, click link 1. For text data tasks, click link 2. For tabular and small time-series data tasks, click link 3. For time-series and large feature data tasks, click link 4.

Image Tasks

Flowchart for choosing an AI model for image data tasks. For predicting, click link 1. For generating images, click link 2. For classifying images, click link 3. For segmenting images, click link 4. For detecting objects, click link 5.

End pointSuggested Models
1. Predict values

Convolutional networks:

2. Generate images

Diffusion model:

Adversarial networks:

3. Classify entire images

Pretrained convolutional networks:

Convolutional networks:

4. Classify pixels (semantic segmentation)

Convolutional networks:

5. Detect objects and separate instances of objects (instance segmentation)


YOLO models:

Regions with convolutional neural networks (R-CNNs):

Convolutional network:

Text Tasks

Flowchart for choosing an AI model for text data tasks. For generating text, click link 1. For parsing grammar, click link 2. For classifying or summarizing text, click link 3. For analyzing sentiment, click link 4. For modeling topics, click link 5. For recognizing named entities, click link 6. For extracting keywords, click link 7. For retrieving information, click link 8.

End pointSuggested Models
1. Generate text

LSTM network:


Transformer models:

2. Parse grammar

Transformer model:

3. Classify or summarize text

Transformer models:

Bag-of-words model:

Machine learning models:

LSTM network:

Summarization algorithms:

4. Analyze sentiment

Built-in sentiment analysis functions (VADER algorithm):

Machine learning models:

Transformer models:

5. Model topics

Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA):

Latent semantic analysis:

  • fitlsa (Text Analytics Toolbox)

6. Recognize named entities

Hidden Markov model (HMM):

7. Extract keywords

RAKE algorithm:

TextRank algorithm:

8. Retrieve information

Best-matching similarity:

Tabular Data and Small Time-Series Tasks

Flowchart for choosing an AI model for tabular and small time-series data tasks. For unsupervised methods, click link 1. For semi-supervised methods, click link 2. For classifying data, click link 3. For predicting values, click link 4. For forecasting future values, click link 5.

End pointSuggested Models
1. Use unsupervised methods

Cluster Analysis:

Labeling data:

Dimensionality Reduction and feature transformation:

Anomaly detection models:

2. Use semi-supervised methods

Classification models:

3. Classify data

Classification Learner app:

Command-line classification models:

Incremental learning models:

Anomaly detection models:

4. Predict values (regression)

Regression Learner app:

Command-line regression models:

Incremental learning models:

5. Forecast future values

Direct forecasting:

Regression trees:

Time-Series and Large Feature Data Tasks

Flowchart for choosing an AI model for time-series and large feature data tasks. For generating data, click link 1. For predicting single values, click link 2. For predicting sequences, click link 3. For forecasting future values, click link 4. For classifying entire samples, click link 5. For classifying time steps, click link 6.

End pointSuggested Models
1. Generate data

Adversarial networks:

2. Predict single values (sequence-to-one regression)

LSTM networks:

Convolutional networks:

Multilayer perceptron networks:

3. Predict sequences (sequence-to-sequence regression)

LSTM networks:

Neural ODE network:

Transformer network:

4. Forecast future values

LSTM networks:

5. Classify entire samples

LSTM networks:

Convolutional networks:

Convolutional and LSTM network:

Multilayer perceptron networks:

Autoencoder network:

6. Classify time steps (sequence-to-sequence classification)

LSTM networks:


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