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Poligoni elementari

Funzioni di poligoni

Dato un insieme di punti, è possibile creare poligoni semplici e calcolare quantità geometriche di base, come l'area. Per poligoni più complessi o per accedere a più informazioni geometriche, creare un oggetto polyshape. Quindi, utilizzare le funzioni dell’oggetto per modificare, interrogare e visualizzare il poligono o l'insieme di poligoni.


espandi tutto

boundaryshapeCreate polyshape from 2-D triangulation
inpolygonPoints located inside or on edge of polygonal region
nsidedpolyRegular polygon
polyareaArea of polygon
polybufferCreate buffer around points, lines, or polyshape objects
rectintRectangle intersection area

Creazione e modifica di multiforme

polyshape2-D polygonal shapes
addboundaryAdd polyshape boundary
polybufferCreate buffer around points, lines, or polyshape objects
rmboundaryRemove polyshape boundary
rmholesRemove holes in polyshape
rmsliversRemove polyshape boundary outliers
rotateRotate polyshape
scaleScale polyshape
simplifySimplify polyshape boundaries
sortboundariesSort polyshape boundaries
sortregionsSort polyshape regions
translateTranslate polyshape

Interrogazione e visualizzazione

boundaryVertex coordinates of polyshape boundary
holesConvert polyshape hole boundaries to array of polyshape objects
isholeDetermine if polyshape boundary is a hole
isinteriorQuery points inside polyshape
issimplifiedDetermine if polyshape is well-defined
nearestvertexQuery nearest polyshape vertex
numboundariesNumber of polyshape boundaries
numsidesNumber of polyshape sides
overlapsDetermine whether polyshape objects overlap
plotPlot polyshape
regionsAccess polyshape regions

Quantità geometriche

areaArea of polyshape
boundingboxBounding box of polyshape
centroidCentroid of polyshape
convhullConvex hull of polyshape
turningdistCompute turning distance between polyshape objects
triangulationTriangulate polyshape
perimeterPerimeter of polyshape

Operazioni booleane

intersectIntersection of polyshape objects
subtractDifference of two polyshape objects
unionUnion of polyshape objects
xorExclusive OR of two polyshape objects