Random numbers
generates an array of random numbers from the specified probability distribution
using input arguments from any of the previous syntaxes, where
= random(___,sz1,...,szN
indicates the size of each
Generate One Random Number by Specifying Distribution Name and Parameters
Generate one random number from the normal distribution with the mean equal to 1 and the standard deviation equal to 5. Specify the distribution name 'Normal'
and the distribution parameters.
rng('default') % For reproducibility mu = 1; sigma = 5; r = random('Normal',mu,sigma)
r = 3.6883
Generate One Random Number Using Distribution Object
Create a normal distribution object and generate one random number using the object.
Create a normal distribution object with the mean equal to 1 and the standard deviation equal to 5.
mu = 1; sigma = 5; pd = makedist('Normal','mu',mu,'sigma',sigma);
Generate one random number from the distribution.
rng('default') % For reproducibility r = random(pd)
r = 3.6883
Reset Random Number Generator
Save the current state of the random number generator. Then generate a random number from the Poisson distribution with rate parameter 5.
s = rng;
r = random('Poisson',5)
r = 5
Restore the state of the random number generator to s, and then create a new random number. The value is the same as before.
r1 = random('Poisson',5)
r1 = 5
Clone Size from Existing Array
Create a matrix of random numbers with the same size as an existing array. Use the stable distribution with shape parameters 2 and 0, scale parameter 1, and location parameter 0.
A = [3 2; -2 1];
sz = size(A);
R = random('Stable',2,0,1,0,sz)
R = 2×2
0.7604 -3.1945
2.5935 1.2193
You can combine the previous two lines of code into a single line.
R = random('Stable',2,0,1,0,size(A))
R = 2×2
0.4508 -0.6132
-1.8494 0.4845
Generate Multiple Random Numbers
Create a Weibull probability distribution object using the default parameter values.
pd = makedist('Weibull')
pd = WeibullDistribution Weibull distribution A = 1 B = 1
Generate random numbers from the distribution.
rng('default') % For reproducibility r = random(pd,10000,1);
Construct a histogram using 100 bins with a Weibull distribution fit.
Generate Multidimensional Array of Random Numbers
Create a standard normal probability distribution object.
pd = makedist('Normal')
pd = NormalDistribution Normal distribution mu = 0 sigma = 1
Generate a 2-by-3-by-2 array of random numbers from the distribution.
r = random(pd,[2,3,2])
r = r(:,:,1) = 0.5377 -2.2588 0.3188 1.8339 0.8622 -1.3077 r(:,:,2) = -0.4336 3.5784 -1.3499 0.3426 2.7694 3.0349
Input Arguments
— Probability distribution name
character vector or string scalar of probability distribution
Probability distribution name, specified as one of the probability distribution names in this table.
name | Distribution | Input Parameter A | Input Parameter B | Input Parameter C | Input Parameter D |
'Beta' | Beta Distribution | a first shape parameter | b second shape parameter | — | — |
'Binomial' | Binomial Distribution | n number of trials | p probability of success for each trial | — | — |
'BirnbaumSaunders' | Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution | β scale parameter | γ shape parameter | — | — |
'Burr' | Burr Type XII Distribution | α scale parameter | c first shape parameter | k second shape parameter | — |
'Chisquare' or
'chi2' | Chi-Square Distribution | ν degrees of freedom | — | — | — |
'Exponential' | Exponential Distribution | μ mean | — | — | — |
'Extreme Value' or
'ev' | Extreme Value Distribution | μ location parameter | σ scale parameter | — | — |
'F' | F Distribution | ν1 numerator degrees of freedom | ν2 denominator degrees of freedom | — | — |
'Gamma' | Gamma Distribution | a shape parameter | b scale parameter | — | — |
'Generalized Extreme Value' or
'gev' | Generalized Extreme Value Distribution | k shape parameter | σ scale parameter | μ location parameter | — |
'Generalized Pareto' or
'gp' | Generalized Pareto Distribution | k tail index (shape) parameter | σ scale parameter | μ threshold (location) parameter | — |
'Geometric' | Geometric Distribution | p probability parameter | — | — | — |
'Half Normal' or
'hn' | Half-Normal Distribution | μ location parameter | σ scale parameter | — | — |
'Hypergeometric' or
'hyge' | Hypergeometric Distribution | m size of the population | k number of items with the desired characteristic in the population | n number of samples drawn | — |
'InverseGaussian' | Inverse Gaussian Distribution | μ scale parameter | λ shape parameter | — | — |
'Logistic' | Logistic Distribution | μ mean | σ scale parameter | — | — |
'LogLogistic' | Loglogistic Distribution | μ mean of logarithmic values | σ scale parameter of logarithmic values | — | — |
'LogNormal' | Lognormal Distribution | μ mean of logarithmic values | σ standard deviation of logarithmic values | — | — |
'Pearson' | Pearson Distribution | μ mean | σ standard deviation | γ skewness | κ kurtosis |
'Nakagami' | Nakagami Distribution | μ shape parameter | ω scale parameter | — | — |
'Negative Binomial' or
'nbin' | Negative Binomial Distribution | r number of successes | p probability of success in a single trial | — | — |
'Noncentral F' or
'ncf' | Noncentral F Distribution | ν1 numerator degrees of freedom | ν2 denominator degrees of freedom | δ noncentrality parameter | — |
'Noncentral t' or
'nct' | Noncentral t Distribution | ν degrees of freedom | δ noncentrality parameter | — | — |
'Noncentral Chi-square' or
'ncx2' | Noncentral Chi-Square Distribution | ν degrees of freedom | δ noncentrality parameter | — | — |
'Normal' | Normal Distribution | μ mean | σ standard deviation | — | — |
'Poisson' | Poisson Distribution | λ mean | — | — | — |
'Rayleigh' | Rayleigh Distribution | b scale parameter | — | — | — |
'Rician' | Rician Distribution | s noncentrality parameter | σ scale parameter | — | — |
'Stable' | Stable Distribution | α first shape parameter | β second shape parameter | γ scale parameter | δ location parameter |
'T' | Student's t Distribution | ν degrees of freedom | — | — | — |
'tLocationScale' | t Location-Scale Distribution | μ location parameter | σ scale parameter | ν shape parameter | — |
'Uniform' | Uniform Distribution (Continuous) | a lower endpoint (minimum) | b upper endpoint (maximum) | — | — |
'Discrete Uniform' or
'unid' | Uniform Distribution (Discrete) | n maximum observable value | — | — | — |
'Weibull' or
'wbl' | Weibull Distribution | a scale parameter | b shape parameter | — | — |
Example: 'Normal'
— First probability distribution parameter
scalar value | array of scalar values
First probability distribution parameter, specified as a scalar value or an array of scalar values.
If one or more of the input arguments A
, C
, and D
are arrays, then
the array sizes must be the same. In this case, random
expands each
scalar input into a constant array of the same size as the array inputs. See
for the definitions of A
, C
, and D
for each
Data Types: single
| double
— Second probability distribution parameter
scalar value | array of scalar values
Second probability distribution parameter, specified as a scalar value or an array of scalar values.
If one or more of the input arguments A
, C
, and D
are arrays, then
the array sizes must be the same. In this case, random
expands each
scalar input into a constant array of the same size as the array inputs. See
for the definitions of A
, C
, and D
for each
Data Types: single
| double
— Third probability distribution parameter
scalar value | array of scalar values
Third probability distribution parameter, specified as a scalar value or an array of scalar values.
If one or more of the input arguments A
, C
, and D
are arrays, then
the array sizes must be the same. In this case, random
expands each
scalar input into a constant array of the same size as the array inputs. See
for the definitions of A
, C
, and D
for each
Data Types: single
| double
— Fourth probability distribution parameter
scalar value | array of scalar values
Fourth probability distribution parameter, specified as a scalar value or an array of scalar values.
If one or more of the input arguments A
, C
, and D
are arrays, then
the array sizes must be the same. In this case, random
expands each
scalar input into a constant array of the same size as the array inputs. See
for the definitions of A
, C
, and D
for each
Data Types: single
| double
— Probability distribution
probability distribution object
Probability distribution, specified as one of the probability distribution objects in this table.
Distribution Object | Function or App to Create Probability Distribution Object |
BetaDistribution | makedist , fitdist , Distribution Fitter |
BinomialDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
BirnbaumSaundersDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
BurrDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
ExponentialDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
ExtremeValueDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
GammaDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
GeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
GeneralizedParetoDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
HalfNormalDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
InverseGaussianDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
KernelDistribution | fitdist , Distribution Fitter |
LogisticDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
LoglogisticDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
LognormalDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
LoguniformDistribution | makedist |
MultinomialDistribution | makedist |
NakagamiDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
NegativeBinomialDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
NormalDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
Piecewise distribution with generalized Pareto distributions in the tails | paretotails |
PiecewiseLinearDistribution | makedist |
PoissonDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
RayleighDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
RicianDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
StableDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
tLocationScaleDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
TriangularDistribution | makedist |
UniformDistribution | makedist |
WeibullDistribution | makedist , fitdist ,
Distribution Fitter |
— Size of each dimension (as separate arguments)
integer values
Size of each dimension, specified as integer values. For example,
specifying 5,3,2
generates a 5-by-3-by-2 array of random
numbers from the specified probability distribution.
If one or more of the input arguments A
, C
, and
are arrays, then the specified dimensions
must match the common dimensions of
, B
, C
and D
after any necessary scalar expansion. The default
values of sz1,...,szN
are the common dimensions.
If you specify a single value
, thenR
is a square matrix of sizesz1
.If the size of any dimension is
or negative, thenR
is an empty array.Beyond the second dimension,
ignores trailing dimensions with a size of 1. For example, specifying3,1,1,1
produces a 3-by-1 vector of random numbers.
Example: 5,3,2
Data Types: single
| double
— Size of each dimension (as a row vector)
row vector of integers
Size of each dimension, specified as a row vector of integers. For
example, specifying [5 3 2]
generates a 5-by-3-by-2 array
of random numbers from the specified probability distribution.
If one or more of the input arguments A
, C
, and
are arrays, then the specified dimensions
must match the common dimensions of
, B
, C
and D
after any necessary scalar expansion. The default
values of sz
are the common dimensions.
If you specify a single value
, thenR
is a square matrix of sizesz1
.If the size of any dimension is
or negative, thenR
is an empty array.Beyond the second dimension,
ignores trailing dimensions with a size of 1. For example, specifying[3 1 1 1]
produces a 3-by-1 vector of random numbers.
Example: [5 3 2]
Data Types: single
| double
Output Arguments
— Random number
scalar value | array of scalar values
Random number generated from the specified probability distribution,
returned as a scalar value or an array of scalar values with the dimensions
specified by sz1,...,szN
If you specify distribution parameters A
, C
, or
, then each element in R
the random number generated from the distribution specified by the
corresponding elements in A
, B
, and D
Alternative Functionality
is a generic function that accepts either a distribution by its namename
or a probability distribution objectpd
. It is faster to use a distribution-specific function, such asrandn
for the normal distribution andbinornd
for the binomial distribution. For a list of distribution-specific functions, see Supported Distributions.To generate random numbers interactively, use
, a user interface for random number generation.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Usage notes and limitations:
The input argument
must be a compile-time constant. For example, to use the normal distribution, includecoder.Constant('Normal')
in the-args
value ofcodegen
(MATLAB Coder).Code generation does not support the probability distribution object (
) input argument.
For more information on code generation, see Introduction to Code Generation and General Code Generation Workflow.
GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
This function fully supports GPU arrays. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox).
Version History
Introduced before R2006aR2023b: Support for Pearson distributions
Starting in R2023b, random
supports Pearson distributions.
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