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Compute companion state-space realization

Since R2023b


    csys = compreal(sys) returns the controllable companion realization of the single-input LTI model sys.


    csys = compreal(sys,type) returns the realization of the model sys depending on type. Specify type as "c" for controllable companion form or "o" for observable companion form.

    • "c" — Computes the controllable companion realization for a single-input LTI model sys. This is the same as the first syntax.

    • "o" — Computes the observable companion realization for a single-output LTI model sys.


    [csys,T] = compreal(___) also returns the transformation matrix T for explicit models with matrices A, B, C such that

    • The controllable companion form is T-1AT, T-1B, CT.

    • The observable companion form is TAT-1, TB, CT-1.



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    aircraftPitchSSModel.mat contains the state-space matrices of an aircraft where the input is elevator deflection angle δ and the output is the aircraft pitch angle θ.


    Load the model data to the workspace and create the state-space model sys.

    sys = ss(A,B,C,D)
    sys =
      A = 
                x1       x2       x3
       x1   -0.313     56.7        0
       x2  -0.0139   -0.426        0
       x3        0     56.7        0
      B = 
       x1   0.232
       x2  0.0203
       x3       0
      C = 
           x1  x2  x3
       y1   0   0   1
      D = 
       y1   0
    Continuous-time state-space model.

    Convert the resultant state-space model sys to controllable companion form.

    csys = compreal(sys)
    csys =
      A = 
                  x1         x2         x3
       x1          0          0  1.914e-15
       x2          1          0    -0.9215
       x3          0          1     -0.739
      B = 
       x1   1
       x2   0
       x3   0
      C = 
                x1       x2       x3
       y1        0    1.151  -0.6732
      D = 
       y1   0
    Continuous-time state-space model.

    csys is the controllable companion form of sys.

    The file icEngine.mat contains one data set with 1500 input-output samples collected at a sampling rate of 0.04 seconds. The input u(t) is the voltage (V) controlling the By-Pass Idle Air Valve (BPAV), and the output y(t) is the engine speed (RPM/100).

    Use the data in icEngine.mat to create a state-space model with identifiable parameters.

    load icEngine.mat
    z = iddata(y,u,0.04);
    sys = n4sid(z,4,'InputDelay',2);

    Convert the identified state-space model sys to observable companion form.

    [osys,T] = compreal(sys,"o");

    Compare frequency response confidence bounds of sys to osys.

    bp = bodeplot(sys,osys,'r.');

    MATLAB figure

    The frequency response confidence bounds are identical.

    Additionally, compreal returns a transformation matrix T such that the observable companion form is Ao=TAT-1, Bo=TB, Co=CT-1.

    Input Arguments

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    Dynamic system, specified as a SISO, or MIMO dynamic system model. Dynamic systems that you can use include:

    • Continuous-time or discrete-time numeric LTI models, such as tf (Control System Toolbox), zpk (Control System Toolbox), ss (Control System Toolbox), or pid (Control System Toolbox) models.

    • Generalized or uncertain LTI models such as genss (Control System Toolbox) or uss (Robust Control Toolbox) models. (Using uncertain models requires Robust Control Toolbox™ software.)

    • Identified LTI models, such as idtf, idss, idproc, idpoly, and idgrey models.

    You cannot use frequency-response data models such as frd (Control System Toolbox) models.

    Companion realization type, specified as "c" (controllable companion form) or "o" (observable companion form).

    For a system with characteristic polynomial


    the function returns the companion forms as follows.

    • Controllable Companion Form

      In the controllable companion realization, the characteristic polynomial of the system appears explicitly in the rightmost column of the A matrix.

      Accom=[01000001000001000001α0α1α2α3  αn1],Bccom=[100].

    • Observable Companion Form

      In the observable companion realization, the characteristic polynomial of the system appears explicitly in the last row of the A matrix.


    For more information, see State-Space Realizations.

    Output Arguments

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    Companion state-space form of the dynamic model, returned as an ss (Control System Toolbox) model object. csys is a state-space realization of sys in the companion form specified by type (controllable or observable).

    Transformation matrix, returned as an n-by-n matrix, where n is the number of states.

    • For explicit state-space models with matrices A, B, C, the function returns T such that

      • The controllable companion form is T-1AT, T-1B, CT.

      • The observable companion form is TAT-1, TB, CT-1.

    • For descriptor state-space models, the function always returns an empty value [].


    Computing companion realizations often involves ill-conditioned transformations and loss of accuracy. Use modalreal or balreal as numerically stable alternatives.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

    See Also

    | (Control System Toolbox) | (Control System Toolbox) | (Control System Toolbox) | (Control System Toolbox) | (Control System Toolbox)