Utilizzare i pin GPIO di BeagleBone® Black
Controllare e utilizzare i pin GPIO di BeagleBone Black
beaglebone | Connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
clear | Terminate connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
showAllPins | Show diagram of all pins |
showPins | Show diagram of GPIO pins |
configureDigitalPin | Configure GPIO pin as input or output |
readDigitalPin | Read logical value from GPIO input pin |
writeDigitalPin | Write logical value to GPIO output pin |
- Use BeagleBone Black GPIO Pins as Digital Inputs and Outputs
This example shows how to use the digital pins on the BeagleBone Black hardware as digital inputs and outputs.
- BeagleBone Black GPIO Pins
GPIO pins on BeagleBone Black hardware.
- BeagleBone Black Pin Map
Detailed description of BeagleBone Black pin map.
Risoluzione dei problemi
Troubleshoot BeagleBone Black GPIO Pins
Troubleshoot GPIO pins on BeagleBone Black hardware.