Collegamento all'hardware BeagleBone Black
Creare un collegamento all'hardware BeagleBone® Black
Scoprire come stabilire la comunicazione tra il computer host e l'hardware BeagleBone Black
beaglebone | Connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
clear | Terminate connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
- Connect to BeagleBone Black Hardware
Connect to the BeagleBone Black hardware.
- Connecting to BeagleBone Black Hardware
Connecting to BeagleBone Black hardware.
- Getting Started with MATLAB Support Package for BeagleBone Black Hardware
This example shows you how to use the MATLAB® Support Package for BeagleBone® Black Hardware to perform basic operations on the hardware such as executing shell commands, turning an on-board LED on or off and manipulating files.
Come iniziare
Risoluzione dei problemi
Troubleshoot Connecting to BeagleBone Black Hardware
Troubleshoot connecting to BeagleBone Black hardware.
Get IP Address of BeagleBone Black Hardware
Get the IP address of the BeagleBone Black hardware.