Utilizzare il modulo di modulazione in larghezza di impulso di BeagleBone® Black
Utilizzare BeagleBone Black per creare segnali con modulazione in larghezza di impulso (PWM) su pin GPIO.
beaglebone | Connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
clear | Terminate connection to BeagleBone Black hardware |
showAllPins | Show diagram of all pins |
showPins | Show diagram of GPIO pins |
enablePWM | Enable PWM pin |
writePWMDutyCycle | Writes PWM duty cycle to PWM pin |
writePWMFrequency | Writes PWM frequency to PWM pin |
writePWMVoltage | Writes average PWM voltage to PWM pin |
- Use BeagleBone Black PWM to Capture PWM Measurements
This example shows how to use the BeagleBone Black PWM to generate a square wave of given frequency and duty cycle.
- BeagleBone Black PWM
BeagleBone Black pulse-width modulation (PWM) module.
- BeagleBone Black Pin Map
Detailed description of BeagleBone Black pin map.
Risoluzione dei problemi
Troubleshoot BeagleBone Black PWM
BeagleBone Black pulse-width modulation (PWM) module.