Sebastian Castro - MATLAB Central

Sebastian Castro


Attivo dal 2012

Followers: 4   Following: 0

Robotics and AI educator at MathWorks. Co-host of the MATLAB and Simulink Robotics Arena.

Professional Interests: Education, Robotics, Simulation, Controls, Algorithms, Physical Modeling, Model-Based Design, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Software Engineering

Non-professional Interests: Running, beer, wine, and heavy metal \m/

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MATLAB AnswersCodyFile ExchangeFrom 05/12 to 03/25Use left and right arrows to move selectionFrom 05/12Use left and right arrows to move left selectionTo 03/25Use left and right arrows to move right selectionUse TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection100%

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How do I make an autonomous line following program and also have driver control
Have you seen this new video of ours?

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

Hor to make a URDF file?
URDF is a file format used externally to MATLAB. It just happens that MATLAB has a URDF importer. Here are the official tutoria...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

Simulink 3D Animation vs. Mechanics Explorer
Simulink 3D Animation requires you to simulate the robot dynamics separately, and then whatever positions you get from your simu...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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Robotsimulator is undefined function
That was from a demo, and not a shipping product feature. The closest thing I can think of in the latest version is the basic M...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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I have no 'Build Model' button on my Simulink model Toolbar.
Do you have MATLAB Coder and Simulink Coder in your license? If you type in >> ver in MATLAB, do those toolboxes show up? - ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

Error using RoboticsPlayground app while running a sample simulation
Do you have a Simscape Multibody license? If you type in >> ver in MATLAB, does that toolbox show up? - Sebastian

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

frames not appearing using robotics system toolbox
Maybe the frames have a default size that is much smaller than the robot. If you divide the distance values of the DH parameters...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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Mobile Robotics Simulation Toolbox: Map Issues
The toolbox will accept any binaryOccupancyMap or occupancyMap variable as the map (or robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid and robotics...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0


Using MATLAB with Python
Files demonstrating MATLAB and Python interoperability

oltre 5 anni fa | 33 download |


Issue: Create ROS master on Matlab
Two things. First, if all you want to do is create a ROS master on the localhost, all you need is the following rosinit Secon...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

Is it possible to use PRM and sequentially findpath function in Simulink?
It's doable in the sense that you can put the code in a MATLAB Function block (or as a MATLAB Function in Stateflow). It has its...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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Simulation Map Generator issues
The error you linked is a common one that happens when you input a grayscale (M x N) image instead of a color (M x N x 3) image....

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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Trajectory plotting of manipulator path in Simscape
Hi Gautami, Simscape Multibody has a "Spline" block that lets you display a curve if you pass in the XYZ points. You have to di...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

Empty thermal liquid tank
Have you looked into Simscape Fluids? They have a built in Thermal Liquid tank block you can parameterize based on specs like th...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

Feeding knees angle to the walking robot
Thanks for tagging this post with roboticsarena so we got that notification! Much appreciated. In Simscape Multibody, you can c...

oltre 5 anni fa | 2

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ROS Publish Msg - DJI ROS OSDK
Instead of using a Bus Creator block, use a Blank Message block with the right message type (sensor_msgs/joy), and then use a Bu...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

No visualisation shown in mechanics explorer
You might want to check that the folder containing the mesh files (the .STL or .STEP) files is on your MATLAB path. Else, the si...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

In PRM algorithm how much the Minimum number of nodes needs to find the path
You don't! Probabilistic planning approaches have no guarantees, so you just have to pick something that succeeds most of the ti...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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What is the best desktop configuration/parts to run Matlab?
MathWorks has a system requirements page you can look at!

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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Perform Safe Trajectory Tracking Control on Baxter robot
I'd suggest starting by computing the inverse kinematics/dynamics for each arm independently and seeing if you can place both ma...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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Pose from bearing angles in 2D
A robot moving on the plane has a sensor that measures the bearing angle to two mapped landmarks, that is, the world frame coord...

quasi 6 anni fa


Twists in 2D
So far we have represented the pose of an object in the plane using a homogeneous transformation, a 3x3 matrix belonging to the ...

quasi 6 anni fa


Pose interpolation in 2D
Consider two poses represented by homogeneous transformation matrices: |T1| and |T2|. Write an algorithm to interpolate between...

quasi 6 anni fa


Composing relative poses in 2D: problem 2
We consider a world reference frame denoted by {0} which has its x-axis pointing east and its y-axis pointing north. There i...

quasi 6 anni fa


Composing relative poses in 2D: problem 1
We consider a world reference frame denoted by {0} which has its x-axis pointing east and its y-axis pointing north. There i...

quasi 6 anni fa


Relative points in 2D: problem 3
The 2D pose of a robot, with respect to a world coordinate frame {O}, is described by a 3x3 homogenous transform matrix T. A la...

quasi 6 anni fa


Relative points in 2D: problem 2
The 2D pose of a robot, with respect to a world coordinate frame {O}, is described by a 3x3 homogenous transform matrix T. A la...

quasi 6 anni fa


Relative points in 2D: problem 1
The 2D pose of a robot, with respect to a world coordinate frame {O}, is described by a 3x3 homogenous transform matrix T. A lan...

quasi 6 anni fa


Relative pose in 2D: problem 2
We consider a world reference frame denoted by {0} which has its x-axis pointing east and its y-axis pointing north. There is a...

quasi 6 anni fa


Relative pose in 2D: problem 1
We consider a world reference frame denoted by {0} which has its x-axis pointing east and its y-axis pointing north. There is a...

quasi 6 anni fa

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